
[06.15.15] Everything you need to know from the 2015 Xbox Media Briefing [E3 2015]



It has been quite the week leading up to E3 2015 with a steady stream of incredible reveals, leaving you wondering, “What exactly will there be to announce at E3?” From the “Fallout 4” reveal, the return of rhythm gaming, and YouTube taking on Twitch; the gaming industry is charging full speed into its biggest week of the year. Fortunately, the fun hasn’t stopped. After a great E3 kick-off courtesy of Bethesda, Microsoft starts off the console wars with their incredible lineup of announcements, and here is everything you needed to know about the 2015 Xbox Media Briefing, live from E3 2015 on Monday, June 15.

The conference begins kicks off with a montage of games, including Tomb Raider, Halo, Forza, Gears of War, and many other games. Bonnie Ross, Studio Head at 343 Studios, welcomes everyone to the conference. She starts off with, none other than, “Halo 5 Guardians.”

A new reveal trailer plays, featuring voice-overs from many characters. It introduces the storyline from many different angles, including Master Chief’s, Buck’s, and even the Covenant. It then moves into a gameplay demo. The player is playing as part of the ONI team, fighting off the covenant. Taking the role of Spartan Locke, they gather intel on the area, finding Master Chief’s assault rifle. Lots of explosions, running through the facility – everything is very much “Halo,” just prettier. The player shows off the ability to command other team members to attack a covenant ship followed by the Spartan’s new unique abilities.

Some new characters are shown, including a soldier version of the Promethean race and the gameplay demo ends. It then returns to a montage of game highlights, including a brief glimpse at the new bosses. The launch date of Oct 27, 2015 flashes on the screen and Josh Holmes takes the stage.

Holmes says this is the most ambitious “Halo” game yet. A massive, two story campaign and multiplayer maps 4 times the size of anything previous. “Halo 5” multiplayer goes by a new name – “War Zone.” The multiplayer demo will be on the show floor this week and looks to be a much larger scale team game, 24-player possibilities.

Now it’s time for an Xbox Exclusive World Premier. From Keiji Inafune and the makers of “Metroid Prime,” a unique looking adventure game. A desert environment is shown and the protagonists has a robot dog following it around. It has a very Pixar-like style. The female protagonist and her dog face off against some robot spiders, and the dog detonates himself to save the girl. All that is left is a crystal power core, which she then places in another dormant robot, bringing it to life. She possibly indicates it’s the same “dog” she just had, but in a new body. The title “Recore” is revealed with a Spring 2016 launch window. It will likely be an Xbox exclusive

Phil Spencer takes the stage, confirming that “Recore” will be an exclusive, new, first-party franchise for Xbox One. He discusses the vision for Xbox One and how Xbox continues to invest in delivering the best experience for Xbox gamers. He’s also wearing a shirt under his jacket which is just barely visible. He then reveals Xbox One has backwards compatibility! Something that wasn’t previously thought possible, now available Natively on the Xbox One. It’s part of the vision for creating the largest game library on Xbox One.

Mike Ybarra, Head of Platform Engineering, shows off backwards compatibility, including over 100 titles coming this holiday. It will support both digital downloads – which should automatically start showing up soon – as well as retail games. He then plays “Mass Effect” on Xbox One, showing that the game plays like the Xbox 360, but will utilize Xbox One features – such as screenshots or game streaming and DVR. It’s available immediately for preview members and will be available this holiday for others.

Spencer returns to the stage to talk about the “Xbox Elite Wireless Controller” coming this fall. It will have “swappable” components and “limitless customization,” essentially creating the ultimate first-party “pro” controller designed for Xbox One and Windows 10. It’s absolutely beautiful.

Todd Howard, Bethesda Game Studio’s head, takes the stage, yes on Xbox’s conference. Howard is discussing “Fallout 4,” possibly hinting at exclusive content? He’s discussing the importance of freedom in the game and is revealing more gameplay content. He goes over much of the information revealed at Bethesda’s conference, just more summarized. He also reveals a new weapon, a type of musket, and more survivors are discovered. It gives off a very “Walking Dead” kind of vibe… only futuristic and with powersuits. Howard calls it the “most ambitious game-world we have ever created” while a montage of action sequences and environments are shown off. Howard than teases a big announcement, revealing that PC Mods can be shared and played, for free, on Xbox One.

Peter Moore, COO of EA, takes the stage, mentioning his happiness with backwards compatibility and then talking about EA Access, the $5/month service only on Xbox One which gives you early access, and many games for a low price. Like always, EA titles will be released early for members and games in the vault will be rotated and can be played unlimited, and players will get discounts. All of this is repeat news. Moore announces that “Titanfall” is coming at the start of summer, “Dragon Age: Inquisition” will come later this fall. This week, All Xbox Live Gold members get free access to EA Access, only have to download the free app.

Moore than announces “Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2.” He promises “this will be the funniest, craziest, most over the top shooter experience you’ve ever played.” After revealing it’s coming next spring, a trailer begins. It looks like the zombies have taken over and the game will now be in “Zomburbia.” A multitude of new plant and zombie characters are revealed, although the entire trailer is CGI. This time around, it looks like the plants are coming to the zombies’ house to invade.

A teaser for “Forza 6” begins, and the new GT is lowered onto the stage form the ceiling. Henry Ford III takes the stage with Dan Greenwald of Turn 10, introducing a trailer for “Forza 6.” The game looks beautiful as ever. There will now be 24-car multiplayer and it’s coming Sep 15.

Another world premier begins, from Bandai Namco and From Software, Inc. A dark and dreary environment with lots of monstrous characters is shown, and it looks like a new “Dark Souls” game is coming. A massive titan guard with a giant sword is shown, and “Dark Souls 3” flashes, with an “early 2016” release window. It will not be an exclusive

A premier trailer for “Tom Clancy’s: The Division” is shown, re-hyping what is already known about the game. It shows off, what appears to be, lots of in-engine graphics and the game looks great. It appears to take place in the heart of New York City and will require lots of teamwork. There’s plenty of explosions and awesome guns, as is expected from a Tom Clancy game.

Laurent Detoc, president of Ubisoft Americas, takes the stage to talk more about it. He reveals that it does take place in New York, and will feature a variety of special operatives. He then reminisces on Ghost Recon’s initial launch on the first day of Xbox Live launching. He reveals that the beta will be exclusive to Xbox One, before moving on to “Rainbow Six Siege.”

Detoc emphases the destructible environments of “Rainbow Six Siege” and reveals that “Rainbow Six Vegas” and “Vegas 2” will come free with “Rainbow Six Siege,” all playable on the Xbox One (thanks to the backwards compatibility). A gameplay trailer then begins for “Siege.” Again, it’s nothing revolutionary for the game, but does appear to be mostly in-engine, as well. It actually feels very similar to “The Division,” but in a less post-apocalyptic environment.

An Xbox One and Windows 10 exclusive from Motiga is revealed, and it appears to be the long-forgotten “Gigantic.” The trailer reveals a variety of characters as well as gameplay features. It’s an arena shooter which appears to focus on battling large “guardians.” The beta will launch this August and will be free to play, like the game.

A montage of indie games begins, including a momentary tease of the also-forgotten “Cuphead.” It shows off some other original titles and some already-released titles, like “Goat Simulator.” It’s likely this is a lead in for the ID@Xbox program. Logo at the end of the trailer confirms.

Chris Charla, Director of ID@Xbox, takes the stage to discuss the program. Over 1000 indie developers have been making games for the ID@Xbox program, and it’s “really only the start.” Steve Gaynor of Fullbright takes the stage to discuss and preview Tacoma, coming 2016. Derek Bradley, from Aurora44, is next to discuss “Ashen,” a survival game and Xbox console exclusive. It looks like it will have a lot of emphases on exploration, puzzle-solving, and a dash of horror. Sherida Halatoe, of tiger & squid, enters to discuss “Beyond Eyes.” It’s a very unique experience, coming first to Xbox One and PC. It also appears to be a unique exploration/adventure game, and it releases this summer. Chad and Jared Moldenhauer of MDHR take the stage to discuss “Cuphead” – finally, it’s returning! They talk about their vision for a classic 1930’s cartoon that controls like a classic, 16-bit platformer. As a trailer plays, one thing is obvious – they nailed the style they were going for. The game looks incredible and the gameplay looks extremely fun and challenging, as would be expect from both the era’s the game takes influence from. It’s coming 2016 exclusively to Xbox One.

Charla takes back over announcing an early release program, similar to what’s on PC. The hook is that the games are required to give a free demo first, so you can decide whether or not you want to pay in. Starting today, both ”The Long Dark” and “Elite Dangerous” are available today for Xbox One Game Preview.

Charla hands off to Dean Hall, the creator of “Day-Z” to introduce a new IP coming to PC and Xbox One. It will make use of Xbox One Game Preview and PC access, and players will “be able to shape the destiny” of the game. The game takes place in space, but not much is revealed, other than the name “Ion.” It has a “Gravity” vibe to it.

Brian Horton, Game Director of Crystal Dynamics, demos the world premier gameplay of “Rise of the Tomb Raider” coming holiday 2015. A very beaten and tattered Lara lights her way through a cave with her signature torch… which is then blown out by a snowstorm. Suddenly she’s wearing full winter climbing gear and working her way up a mountain. The climbing mechanics are very familiar, only now she has Jonah tethered to her. Ice starts falling and she makes a leap across the cavern. She’s taking lots of risks while climbing, but makes her way to the top. She loses her grip and falls, saved by Jonah. He struggles to pull her back up and she swings over to the ice to regain her grip. The ice gives way, but she narrowly makes it to the top as an avalanche begins. She tells Jonah to return to shelter and continues her ascent. Non-stop action spliced with quick time events, it’s all very familiar – and very welcome to return. A montage of various game shots is tagged with a “Xbox Exclusive” banner, possibly indicating it’s no longer a “timed release” but a full exclusive? Then the hard release date of Nov 10, 2015 is finally revealed.

Another Xbox One exclusive begins, and it looks like a collection of games from “Rare” as Banjo and Conker both made an appearance, among others. “Perfect Dark, “Viva Pinata,” and Battle Toads” are just a few of the 30 games included in this 10,000 gamerscore collection. “Rare Replay” available August 4, 2015. Craig Duncan, Studio Head at Rare, takes the stage to announce this exclusive collection in celebration of the 15th anniversary of the studio.

He’s also announcing a new title from the company, “by far the most ambitious game Rare has ever created.” It begins in first person with Rare’s signature cartoony graphics. It takes place on an island, complete with tropical birds and… pirate skeletons. A sea shanty begins playing and a character runs out onto a beach where a pirate ship is waiting. Many characters have, what appears to be, gamertags over their heads, indicating what could possibly be a pirate themed MMO? “Sea of Thieves” is the title, no release date indicated.

Another Xbox One and Windows 10 exclusive trailer begins, which looks very much like “Fable.” It has the same art style and appears to be an RPG. It will be free to play on both Xbox One and Windows 10, and likes to use the word “legends” a lot. “Fable Legends,” it is.

Kudo Tsunoda, Corporate Vice President of Microsoft Studios, takes the stage to talk more about the title. The game will run seamlessly between the two platforms. Anything bought will transfer between the two, and the game will also feature cross-play between PC and Consoles.

He then announces a new partnership with Valve VR, making Windows 10 the best platform with VR gaming. He mentions the previous announcement that an Xbox One controller will be included in with every Oculous Rift. It sounds like Microsoft is trying to lock down the VR market, including their previously announced HoloLens. He then introduces Lydia Winters, Brand Director from Mojang.

As she discusses the history of the studio, “Minecraft” is displayed behind her. She talks about Minecon 2015 and hints and an announcement there. She then introduces Michael Saxs Persson from Microsoft studios, to reveal a new version of Minecraft on the HoloLens. They play a live demo, and she is able to join in from her Surface. Persson then moves the game world onto a table and he can overlook the world in a type of “god mode.” He can follow around Winters throughout the world from the recessed perspective. It’s like playing with a real miniature model of your “Minecraft” world. He can also manipulate the world to discover what is underneath and map it for the other player. The whole environment can be controlled with gestures and even voice commands. Persson is able to detonate some TNT and Pigs by saying “lightning strike,” causing the TNT to explode and the pigs to turn into zombie pigmen.

Rod Fergusson, Co-Creator of ”Gears of War” and Studio Head at The Coalition, takes the stage to announce the “Gears of War Ultimate Edition.” It’s an HD remake of the original “Gears of War,” complete with multiplayer. The multiplayer beta begins today, exclusively on Xbox One.

He then begins revealing a new “Gears of War” game with a gameplay demo. New COG soldiers are shown off traversing a very dark environment. A storm is destroying the city they are exploring, literally crumbling the environment around them. The new character is referred to as “JD.” They enter a building and there is a new monster revealed. Something gooey and glowy, which JD is advised not to touch. He does anyway, and his flashlight is shorted out. Fortunately, he’s glowing – possibly imulsion? This form extends well beyond the room they were in and all over the outside environment. They follow it into a courtyard where more glowing pods (don’t touch!) are at. As they try to exit the courtyard, another new enemy type is revealed. It’s somehow similar, yet different to the locust. As JD becomes overwhelmed, the trailer cuts to a close. It’s “Gears 4,” coming Holiday 2016.

Phil Spencer returns, now revealing the shirt he was hiding was a Rare Shirt. Could this be another Rare announcement or is he just celebrating their accomplishments? He discusses and recaps all of the new experiences revealed today and reasserts the commitment Microsoft has to the community and Xbox Live. He then hints that here are “more surprises in store this week.” There will be reveals on the Xbox Daily Show, including “Quantum Break,” “Scalebound,” “Crackdown,” a new Xbox One interface, and new first-party games. He wraps up the conference (no more Rare, looks like it was just a celebration) by thanking everyone. The conference ends with another game montage, recapping everything revealed today.

[10.03.12] Valhalla returns to 'Halo 4'



Video game sequels have often been touted as being the same thing repackaged with a new title, especially when it's the 4th or 5th iteration. Yesterday, 343 Industries released a new video for "Halo 4" via Waypoint which simultaneously reinforced and defied that accusation. This video continues the endless trail of exciting announcements the developers have had for the start to this new trilogy; and they're very rapidly wiping away everyone's doubts as to their abilities to develop an authentic Halo experience while still breathing life into a series that runs the risk of growing stale.

The video starts with a something that should be very familiar to fans that played “Halo 3”. A particular tall Forerunner structure, that has plasma blasts bursting out the top periodically, is shown with a canyon backdrop and a river snaking out to an ocean bay. An identical tower is seen on the beach, and slightly off to the right, there’s a downed Pelican in the distance. That’s right, fan-favorite “Valhalla” is making an appearance in “Halo 4” under its new alias, “Ragnarok”.

All of a sudden, something new and unusual pops up on “Ragnarok’s” shore, something that looks like a mech. A Spartan hops in, and we’ve now been introduced to the newest member of UNSC’s [playable] fleet, the “Mantis”. It’s not the first mech to show up in a Halo video game, as “Halo Wars” had one called the “Cyclops”, however this does mark the first time that one will be controlled by the player as well as usable in multi-player.

One hand has a machine gun while the other shoots projectiles like the rail gun or gauss canon. It also has a stomping melee attack that can be used to crush Spartans and other vehicles alike. So far, “Ragnarok” is the only map confirmed to have it, however it’s likely that any map featuring vehicles the size of the “Warthog” will also be capable of supporting the “Mantis”. “Halo 4” releases Nov. 6, 2012.

Anthony Ortale writes news and reviews on behalf of He does so much gaming in his spare time, it’s practically a full time job! If you like what you read here, please subscribe to his articles! You can also follow Tony on Twitter, or become a fan on Facebook! If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to email Tony any time at, he’d love to hear from you

[05.09.12] 'Minecraft' launches on Xbox Live Arcade



Maybe you haven’t played it, but by now, you’ve probably heard of it. Minecraft is an independently released sandbox-building game that took the world by storm even before its official release date back in November of 2011. Originally a PC only title, it has since made the jump to iOS and Android, and now is available on the Xbox 360.

What makes the Xbox version so unique and special is the full integration of Kinect. Now you have the power to build things with your hands instead of finicking around with a controller. It also supports cross-platform play with the PC version. Oddly enough though, it’s initially going to be quite different than its sister-game. The current version is lagging quite considerably behind the PC version; however, there are plans to update the game and bring it completely up to speed over time.

Aside from the Kinect support, other features were redesigned for the 360 as well. The crafting tool – a system used to make all the items used in-game – has been redesigned to make it significantly more user-friendly. Previously, item recipes had to be learned through experimenting and memorized to be recalled later. Fortunately, there is now an in-game guide that will remind you how to build items you’ve already discovered. Additionally, the ability to play with friends is something currently exclusive to the Xbox 360 version.

Perhaps because of the games current limitations, the XBLA version is just 1600 Microsoft Points – roughly $20 – compared to the PC version which is $26.95. That, combined with the exclusive features and sheer joy of building with Kinect, should be enough to convince anyone to buy it. If you’re hesitant though, there is a game trial available as well.

Minecraft for Xbox 360 Trial

Minecraft for Xbox 360 Full Game

- Via Major Nelson

Anthony Ortale writes news and reviews on behalf of He does so much gaming in his spare time, it’s practically a full time job! If you like what you read here, please subscribe to his articles! You can also follow Tony on Twitter, or become a fan on Facebook! If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to email Tony any time at, he would love to hear from you

[03.27.12] MLB.TV makes the jump to Xbox, no signs of ESPN on PlayStation



MLB.TV has been on PlayStation Network for a couple years now, and today it’s finally made it to Xbox Live. What this means is anyone who has an MLB.TV Premium subscription and an Xbox Live Gold subscription will be able to stream all eligible games in HD straight to their Xbox. As with Netflix, Hulu Plus, or some of the other apps now available; this isn’t really much of an incentive for anyone to go out and buy an Xbox for that purpose. Instead, it only serves as a nice bonus to those who already have both. MLB.TV and the other apps require an Xbox Live Gold Subscription – that’s $59.99 a year – in order to work on the Xbox 360. This is, of course, on top of the subscription you’re already paying for MLB.TV, Last.FM, Verizon FiOS, or whatever it may be that you want to stream. Seeing as MLB.TV is a free service on the PlayStation 3, this looks only to hurt the Xbox 360 when someone is deciding which to buy.

Then again, the Xbox 360 certainly has its advantages when it comes to watching the games. The ESPN app has yet to even make it to the PS3, and MLB.TV will have some exclusive features that PlayStation 3’s version won’t and can’t have. As with the popular ESPN app, the MLB.TV app will feature full Kinect support and the Xbox Exclusive mini guide and split screen viewing, allowing you to watch multiple games at the same time. It’s also likely the alerts will be brought over, allowing you to instantly jump to another game when something exciting is going on. This can even be done with your voice via Kinect! Likewise, you can pause, rewind, and fully navigate the menus without even having to touch a controller.

PlayStation 3 users are upset over the lack of ESPN on PlayStation 3. Many hoped that with the release of MLB.TV on Xbox, there would be a swap and ESPN would finally make an appearance. Apparently, that’s not so, and whether there are any plans right now is not really known. In an email from ESPN Customer Care, a representative stated that:

…We have heard of no updates regarding a WatchESPN application for Playstation 3 systems. I would contact Sony to let them know you would like to see them become compatible with WatchESPN, but again, we haven't heard anything regarding WatchESPN on PS3.

This is a little surprising for some, as many expected the ball to be in ESPN’s court. Instead it seems as if they have little to do with their apps outside of promoting them, and of course providing content for them. With this in mind, contact was also made with Sony in regards to development of an ESPN app. In regular Sony fashion, they shed no light on the situation:

Sony Network Entertaiment International LLC (SNEI) has not released any details concerning the product, project, or development referenced in your email. SNEI and its affiliated companies are regularly engaged in extensive research and development in many areas of the computer entertainment industry. Hence, we cannot comment on future PlayStation® developments, projects, or products.

So maybe it is in development, or maybe they’re still trying to decide if it’s even worth their time. One thing that you can be sure of is you need to make your voice heard. If you really want some ESPN on your PlayStation 3, head over to the PlayStation Blog where you can voice your opinion and let them know. There, users can suggest ideas to improve the PlayStation 3 and then vote on the level of importance each of the potential upgrades are to them. So far, 90 ideas from the site have been implemented on the PlayStation 3, and there are over 5,600 more ideas to vote upon. Right now, the vote on WatchESPN doesn’t have very much weight behind it, so rally your friends and add some votes. Then, maybe someday soon, it will become the 91st ‘idea in action’.

Original Post – Comcast XFINITY TV, HBO GO and MLB.TV now available on Xbox LIVE

Anthony Ortale writes news and reviews on behalf of He does so much gaming in his spare time, it’s practically a full time job! If you like what you read here, please subscribe to his articles! You can also follow Tony on Twitter, or become a fan on Facebook! If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to email Tony any time at, he would love to hear from you

[02.29.12] Review: 'Alan Wake’s American Nightmare'

Remedy Games

Remedy Games

Alan Wake's American Nightmare


5 Stars

There’s a lot riding on the success of Alan Wake’s American Nightmare. It has the potential to revolutionize the gaming industry as we know it. As the follow up to the original Alan Wake, 2010’s survival horror hit, it has high expectations to meet in order to please the fans. With those two goals in mind, the big question everyone wants to know is whether or not Remedy successfully accomplished either.

The Fun Stuff:

Alan Wake’s American Nightmare is definitely a nice dose of Mr. Wake. There’s plenty of 50’s and 60’s Americana, flashlight & gun dual-wielding action, and some psychological sci-fi storytelling to go with it. The story isn’t incredibly original but if feels right at home in Night Springs – the town/TV Show where the game takes place. It’s simple but well told. The narration is also a nice touch that really makes you feel like you’re starring in the Twilight Zone parody.

To make things more immersive, the game has upgraded to live-action cut scenes and videos. Seeing as you’re staring in an episode of Night Springs, the mini-episodes are absent from the game. Without giving any of the story away, it will suffice to say that random TVs found in-game do still have a function and you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find that what you find on them is also live-action like the cut scenes. Manuscript pages found around the map have also received a minor upgrade - should you decide to ‘read’ them - with a rendered cut scene that verbalizes everything for you as opposed to static text that you scroll through as was found in the original game.

In addition to the live-action cut scenes, some new weapons and a new game mode have made their way into the game too. The most creative weapon is the nail gun, which the developers have proudly exhibited on the Arcade Box Art for the game. It’s not much different from the SMG in the game but you do get the satisfaction of seeing the nails stick out of your enemies. The additional game mode cashes in on the ‘horde mode’ craze that has swept so many games lately. It was probably unnecessary but it’s hard to deny the addiction of taking down wave after wave of bad guys. Altogether, these upgrades breathe some fresh air into the game.

The Frustrating Stuff:

The biggest surprise with Alan Wake’s American Nightmare comes from the core gameplay. Alan Wake was a supernatural-psychological-horror-survival-third-person-shooter. That’s quite the mouthful, and maybe it didn’t quite taste right because American Nightmare has a subtle difference. It still retains the supernatural, psychological, and horror elements but swaps out the survival aspect in favor of a more fast-paced action style.

One of the most telltale signs of a survival game is the necessity to conserve ammo. Although you don’t exactly have a bottomless clip in American Nightmare, you’re still most likely safe unloading that lead to your heart’s content. Found frequently throughout the game are ammo boxes that regenerate in a matter of minutes. For fans, this is rather disconcerting because the survival elements were a nice challenge and just felt right in the game.

This overabundance of ammo makes the game so much easier and why Remedy would make the change is puzzling. Perhaps they felt it was necessary if American Nightmare was going to have a legitimate chance against the current powerhouse Call of Duty whose campaigns are often characterized as having fast paced action strung between numerous large, thrilling set pieces. Although it may not be the gameplay Alan Wake fans know and love, there’s no doubting it’s still a lot of fun and will probably entice more gamers to try it out.

Bottom Line:

Alan Wake’s American Nightmare is a fantastic follow up with just the right amount of tweaks to keep things fresh and exciting. Although some diehard fans might be disappointed with the faster-paced, less strategic gameplay, many new fans will be drawn in by its streamlined appeal. This also isn’t a true sequel to the game and Remedy has already acknowledged they do have an Alan Wake 2, or whatever it will be called, in the works. Whether the sequel will stick to the original gameplay or adapt to the newer style is unknown but there’s no doubt it will be a quality game. Until it’s out though, Alan Wake’s American Nightmare is the perfect appetizer to keep any fan’s cravings on standby and a must buy for anyone interested.

Alan Wake’s American Nightmare was developed by Remedy Games and published by Microsoft Studios. It was released in North America on Feb. 22, 2012 with a T rating from the ESRB and an MSRP of $15.00. This review was based on a copy of the game purchased on the release date.

Anthony Ortale writes news and reviews on behalf of He does so much gaming in his spare time, it’s practically a full time job! If you like what you read here, please subscribe to his articles! You can also follow Tony on Twitter, or become a fan on Facebook! If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to email Tony any time at, he’d love to hear from you!


[02.28.12] Microsoft announces Special Edition Kinect Family Bundle



Today Microsoft has announced they’re releasing a new limited edition 4GB Kinect Family Bundle which features two free games, 3 months of Xbox Live, and an all-white 4GB Xbox 360 Slim, controller, and Kinect for $299.99.

The white Kinect is nothing new; however, it was previously thought to be only available through the upcoming Star Wars Special Edition Bundle. Likewise, the white controller isn’t shocking to anyone who’s been with an Xbox for more than a year. In fact, it was the standard from the release of the console up until the new slim design came out. What’s puzzling is what Major Nelson had to say about the controller.

“A special edition white Xbox 360 wireless controller will be available for purchase separately for US $49.99”

Judging by the images provided, it doesn’t seem to be special at all. Even the new transforming d-pad that Microsoft recently developed is absent in favor of the traditional disc-shaped d-pad that was on the original white controllers. Everything down to the little bumps on the joysticks is intact. So what’s so special about this controller then? Probably nothing. This might be a publicity stunt to push out the remaining stock of white controllers they had sitting in a warehouse after discontinuing them. Then again, if Microsoft truly is starting production again for these ‘special edition’ controllers, perhaps they are just that naïve to believe the white controllers have gone vintage in just a year.

Regardless of the reason, if you’re dying to get your hands on one in a day or two as both the console and controller start shipping to retailers today.

Source: Announcing the the Xbox 360 Special Edition 4GB Kinect Family Bundle – Major Nelson

Anthony Ortale writes news and reviews on behalf of He does so much gaming in his spare time, it’s practically a full time job! If you like what you read here, please subscribe to his articles! You can also follow Tony on Twitter, or become a fan on Facebook! If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to email Tony any time at, he would love to hear from you!

[02.21.12] Alan Wake’s American Nightmare hopes to change the gaming industry

Remedy Games

Remedy Games

Alan Wake's American Nightmare, the second title in the Xbox Live House Party lineup, is set to release tomorrow and with it comes more than just a fancy new title. This game signifies a major shift in the video game industry. Technology has made some exceptional advancements over the last few decades and despite pioneering some major developments - such as the recent motion gaming craze - the gaming industry has also found ways to drag far behind.

Everybody knows what video games look like. Depending on their age, they might tell you it's a little plastic cartridge with a faded and slightly torn sticker on it that you have to blow into and wiggle around to get to work. The more recent generations will jump to a description featuring a shiny disc that comes in a rectangular plastic case of varying colors with movie-poster graphics showcasing the star of their favorite title. Although they will spend hours shouting about the golden age of gaming and the processing power of their new machine, their arguments are entirely in vein because they're both wrong. That's not what a video game looks like. In fact, video games are so unique and so different, there's simply no way you could throw a blanket statement over them. What they're wasting energy disputing is various forms of media the game is distributed on. Besides, they're not giving the floppy disc guy a fair chance to share his opinions anyway.

The very media they are discussing is exactly what has caused the gaming industry to lag behind. Most games are currently distributed on a compact disc via a retail outlet. This has become the standard and nobody really questions it... but should they. Take a look at the music industry. There's no doubt it's thriving, but when was the last time you listened to a CD? It's a lot more likely you're either using an MP3 player or even your smartphone to take care of the majority of your music needs. This is because the music industry has made the move to digital.

Whether you love it or hate it, that's the way things are now. Buying full records seems absurd to consumers who would prefer to just grab a single track for 99 cents. This is done online and the file is received immediately, ready to be put on an iPod, played from the computer, or stored on a USB flash drive. Another popular alternative is to pay a monthly fee and have unlimited access to streaming content, usually with certain restrictions of course. Regardless of the method, the music industry was quick to adapt while the gaming industry has barely dipped its toes in the water.

DLC is huge in the gaming industry; although it has come under heavy fire recently. DLC stands for ‘downloadable content’. It’s extra stuff for your game, whether it is more campaign for the story, extra maps or songs, or a new outfit for your character. What many consumers have been upset with is so called ‘on-disk DLC’ which has shown up recently. That is, the supposedly additional content is actually already packed away on the disk but had to be purchased at a later time for an additional fee in order to gain access to it. The reason so many consumers are upset with this is because they feel as if they’ve already paid for the content, seeing as it’s stored on the disk they already bought. Additionally, some feel as if it hurts the overall quality of the final product because if this DLC was made before launch, it must have cut into the development time for the original title. This means either something was cut out of the game –likely the ‘DLC’ they just paid for – or that the time could have been used to fine-tune the release before the game went gold. Some people think this ‘on-disk DLC’ suggests that the developers are hesitant to go all-digital. However, even if the DLC is true DLC, it still is really just a baby step forward. If you think about it, DLC isn’t really the same thing as buying a track off of iTunes. It’s more like purchasing an extra verse for your favorite song.

In order to catch up with the music industry, the video game industry really needs to step up its game. They’re definitely getting there, but it’s happening pretty slowly. You can certainly find downloadable versions of full games, however if you browse through the listings on your PS3 or Xbox 360, you’ll notice all the available titles have one thing in common – they’re a little out dated. To anyone who plays on PC, this is a bit of a head-scratcher. The success of all-digital stores, such as Steam or EA’s new Origin, is undeniable. “I love it,” said Rex VanDorpe of Iowa City. “I personally don’t know what I would do without Steam. I can buy and download games in an hour, and I don’t have to leave my house.” He also points out that these digital stores are an excellent tool for promotion. “I find out about games that way, when Steam offers deals.” Not only that, but the ease with which a game can be purchased is added incentive to purchase and play games. “I find myself buying games that I probably would not go to a store and buy. Also, there are good odds I will play digital games more because I don’t have to bother finding an actual disc.”

The thought of not being able to get a new title on day one downloaded straight to their computer just seems silly to PC gamers, however it’s a reality console gamers must face. But then again, is it really affecting them? “Maybe I like going to retail stores at midnight and standing in lines and conversing with other geeky gamers!” Kellie Pickering of Cedar Rapids said. These midnight releases are huge in the gaming industry too. For the launch of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, arguably the biggest title of 2011, stores were opening as early as 9PM to prepare for the crowds. Pickering and Jessica Brierton, from Iowa City, also agree on another thing. “You can’t show off your game collection,” Brierton pointed out. She also made note of the fact that it’s horrible for the used games market, stating that it is “hurting retail companies like GameStop and consumers who like to buy slightly used new games for a good price.”

In 2010, GameStop posted record sales amounting to almost $10 billion. A large portion of this is, of course, their used games. If you’re tired of the game you bought or just flat out think it’s terrible, you can mosey on down to GameStop and trade that game in for some not so hard earned cash or maybe a little extra store credit to put towards another title you’re interested in. If you browse the used section, you can likely find the title you’re looking for at a nice discount. This is great for you and great for GameStop

So that’s a wrap. Everybody wins and everything is ok, right? Unfortunately, there’s one party that doesn’t win, and that’s the game developers. That’s because they get absolutely nothing from a single sale of a used game. “Digital is much more cost effective for game companies, encouraging cheaper prices and innovation,” said Ryan Hingtgen of North Liberty. “Honestly, Digital Distribution of games is good for the industry overall. If you need a good example of a game that has taken digital distribution to a whole new level, look at Minecraft.” He couldn’t be more right. Minecraft reached over one million units sold barely a month after going into the beta stages. This was ten full months prior to its official release and it has since sold over five million units. But this again just proves the success digital releases are having on the PC while developers for consoles are still hesitant to jump on board. That is, until now.

Alan Wake’s American Nightmare marks a big breakthrough for the gaming industry. The original Alan Wake came out in May of 2010 as an exclusive to the Xbox 360. It was highly anticipated, a great success, and it quickly developed a deep fan base. Alan Wake was such a unique title on so many levels. It was set up like a TV show with each chapter being a weekly episode. This allowed for the ease of additional ‘episodes’ being added on via the aforementioned DLC.

Unfortunately, this created a bit of confusion with the announcement of Alan Wake’s American Nightmare. Was this another chapter of DLC? No, it’s a full-featured follow-up title. So what’s the big deal with American Nightmare then? It’s taking the big leap. As part of Xbox Live's House Party, it’s going with an exclusively digital release tomorrow. It’s one of the first blockbusters to make the leap to an immediate and exclusive digital launch. There won’t be a single line outside of any store with people anxiously waiting to buy the game. Nobody is paying extra for a collector’s edition, and nobody will be filing the case away next to the other games in their collection. Outside of a minor gathering of fans that will wait up for the game to be published, most will probably go to sleep and buy the game whenever they get on Live next.

The big question is how is this going to affect the industry? Will GameStop and other local stores like Video Games Etc. or Gamers feel the pain of not being able to resell this title? That seems highly unlikely. There are so many other titles in circulation already, there’s absolutely no way one game could have a devastating effect on their sales; at least not immediately anyway. A lot is riding on the success or failure that American Nightmare is about to face. If it’s a massive hit, other developers will take notice and this could inspire many of them to go all-digital.

But then again, what if it doesn’t succeed? Things seem to be stacked in their favor, seeing as the digital format allows them to cut out the cost of the middle-man retail store, forgo paying the cost of materials for physical copies, and actually collect money from every single copy they sell… but at what cost? Its possible many gamers will choose not to purchase it since there’s no lower price option available. Sure that’s not a loss to the developers since they wouldn’t have collected money off the used sale anyway, but what about all of the other copies that would have inspired purchases? You can’t rent a digital copy and definitely won’t be able to loan yours out to a friend. All of those people may have been interested in buying it after they tried it, but now it’s likely they won’t purchase it at all.

There’s also the crowd that are boycotting digital distribution. Rob Nielsen, writer of the RedGoateeRob Horror Gaming Blog, is definitely not a fan.

“The thing that nobody seems to care about here is the impact on consumer rights. With a lot of these digital distribution services, I`m given to understand that if they go out of business or if someone accuses you of hacking or using a stolen credit card , they can revoke access to your entire game collection.”

He brings up valid points, many companies, even outside of the gaming industry, have taken hits for their insane and “intrusive” DRM. That hasn’t stopped companies from trying though because in the end, it always benefits them.

“The upshot is that digital distribution is great for the bottom line of the companies that are pushing it and utterly terrible for the consumer. I`ve never paid money for a digitally distributed game and I never will.”

His love of horror games isn’t enough to step away from his thoughts about digital distribution even for one day to try out this game, no matter how great it may end up being. That’s yet another lost sale that digital distribution has contributed to, and he’s not the only one that feels that way. There are many other gamers out there who loathe the idea of digital distribution. Perhaps what the companies need to do is find a happy medium.

Emily McKnight, from Iowa City, feels that way. “If the company offers it as a service alongside production of physical copies, that is probably useful to some people.” With the success the PC gaming market has found through side-by-side sales of both physical and digital copies; that really seems like the way to go. So maybe American Nightmare is a step too far, or maybe it’s not a step in the right direction at all. We won’t know until the initial sales numbers are released in the following weeks. So regardless of which side of the argument you fall on and whether or not you’re going to buy American Nightmare tomorrow, you’ll be speaking with your wallet and the entire gaming industry will be anxiously watching.

Anthony Ortale writes news and reviews on behalf of He does so much gaming in his spare time, it’s practically a full time job! If you like what you read here, please subscribe to his articles! You can also follow Tony on Twitter, or become a fan on Facebook! If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to email Tony any time at, he would love to hear from you

[02.08.12] Review: The Simpsons Arcade Game



The Simpsons Arcade Game


5 Stars

The long awaited console port for The Simpsons Arcade Game has finally arrived after 21 years and for just $10, fans can get all they want of America’s favorite yellow family. If you grew up anywhere near an arcade in the 90’s, you’ve probably spent many an allowance on the coin-operated arcade cabinet, hoping that someday you could buy one of those cabinets for yourself. Well, now you can in a sense. That’s because The Simpsons Arcade Game is out now on Xbox Live and the future Sony Entertainment Network. As an added bonus, PlayStation Plus subscribers can get the game free.

This classic side-scrolling beat-‘em-up has Homer, Marge, Lisa, and Bart on a quest to save Maggie who’s been kidnapped by Mr. Smithers and Mr. Burns after a diamond heist gone wrong. The story is a little bizarre, seeing as Mr. Smithers isn’t exactly known for robberies or wearing a cape for that matter, but it’s the Simpsons, so who really cares? This game came out during an era where there wasn’t time to develop a story because you were probably trying to beat the game while your parents finished their dinners. The main users also didn’t have enough quarters to afford enough game time for an in-depth story, so with the likes of Crus’n USAGalaga, or Pac-Man, players became used to the idea of just simply accepting the story for what it was. This time around it’s not really about the story either but rather the supreme feeling of nostalgia that this game will stir up for repeat players.

The Fun Stuff:

As mentioned, there’s nothing that matches the fond memories The Simpson’s Arcade Game will bring back for those who grew up playing the game. If you can still vividly picture it in your head, you’ll be pleasantly surprised that the game is an almost 100% perfect reproduction of the coin-op classic. The developers for the console port, Backbone Entertainment, did a fantastic job of recreating the game with an attention to detail down to the pixel. Every sound effect and cut-scene is brought back exactly as you’ll remember it, as does the soundtrack which sounds so much better through your TV than it did on the old, run-down arcade cabinet.

The developers also realized the advantages to keeping things simple. You can control your character with either the joystick or d-pad, and use just one button each for jump and attack. If the default button choices (A for jump and X for attack on Xbox or X for jump and Square for attack on PlayStation) don’t feel right for you, you can remap them to suit your taste via the settings menu. Speaking of customization, there are also tons of options for playing the game, including 4 difficulty levels, 4 different game modes, and the possibility for local or online gaming. Of course, you still have the option of choosing between the 4 original characters as well.

Beating the game with each of them unlocks a unique reward as well. They’re not much, but they’re still a nice gesture. Depending on whom your Simpson of choice is, you’ll unlock a sound test, music test, character pictures, or a brief history of the development of the game plus a couple images of promotional art from the original release in 1991. The best item you can unlock is actually the Japanese Rom for their original arcade cabinet.

The Frustrating Stuff:

It’s been sought after for many years, and ironically it’s also one of the most frustrating parts of the game. Not because it was designed poorly or has some sort of flaw, but rather because it brings a startling revelation. The Japanese Rom is actually considerably easier than the American version. The Japanese version adds in multiple weapons such as a nuke and Smither’s bombs. There’s also more food scattered throughout the game including some fruit that randomly pops out of nowhere. Yet the only changes to the gameplay are minor alterations to a couple bosses’ attacks and a slightly different ending, which is really more of a presentation tweak.

The only other complaint will come from diehard fans who will notice the smallest details that are missing, such as damage that came from the first boss belly-flopping to the ground. There’s nothing that truly breaks the game though so the lack of inclusion, although disappointing, is minor and hardly relevant. There’s plenty of accurate game replication and bonus material to keep any fan happy.

Bottom Line:

It may have taken over two decades, but it was well worth the wait. This console port of The Simpsons Arcade Game is exactly what the fans were begging for and a little bit more. Detail was the key, which explains why the quarters modes have exactly 40 credits: 40 quarters = $10, the price of the game. Regardless if you’re an old expert at this classic beat-‘em-up or just a fan of The Simpsons who is new to the experience, it’s one you’re not going to want to miss. This is some of the best arcade gaming out there and an all-around fantastic representation that’s about as close as you can get to the real thing.

The Simpsons Arcade Game was developed by Backbone Entertainment and published by Konami. It was released in North America on Feb. 3, 2012 for Xbox Live Arcade and Feb. 7 for PlayStation 3 with an E10+ rating from the ESRB and an MSRP of $9.99.This review was based on a Xbox 360 version of the game purchased on the release date.

Anthony Ortale writes news and reviews on behalf of He does so much gaming in his spare time, it’s practically a full time job! If you like what you read here, please subscribe to his articles! You can also follow Tony on Twitter, or become a fan on Facebook! If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to email Tony any time at, he’d love to hear from you!


[01.10.12] Xbox Live Arcade House Party & Must Have Games returns



The last House Party on Xbox Live was such a success that Microsoft has decided to bring it back this year again starting Feb. 15. Each week, a new title will be released for four consecutive weeks, bringing must have releases straight to your console. This year’s line-up is packed with highly anticipated titles each and every week. Likewise, Xbox Live for Windows Live is getting some love with their Must Have Games feature. These titles will also be coming out roughly on a weekly schedule starting in February.


Warp is EA's highly anticipated puzzle-based stealth action title. As the little orange alien Zero, you must plan your escape after being imprisoned by the evil Commander in his underwater hideout. Using all your alien abilities, you must find your way to freedom as quickly and quietly as you can. Warp is set to be the first release for Xbox Live House Party on Feb. 15

Alan Wake's American Nightmare

Alan Wake (2010) was an instant hit, and many of its fans demanded a sequel. This year, they're finally getting what they asked for with Alan Wake's American Nightmare. Although it may not be the full featured release fans expected, this arcade title will dish out a whole lot more of The Darkness. With a new storyline, new location, and new game mode, this will definitely quench the thirst diehard fans have been feeling! Alan Wake's American Nightmare is set to be the second release for Xbox Live House Party on Feb. 22


Nexuiz may be new to Xbox Live Arcade, but it's actually a classic to any PC gamer. This title is a fast paced arena first person shooter ready to dominate Xbox Live. Nexuiz takes place in an alternative universe where to alien races have been battling for years. Technically, they're in the middle of a truce, but it's so weak, they still agree to fight each other - but solely in a gladiator-like arena battles. Just like how the rules of the truce don't apply, in this game the rules of battle and the laws of physics don't always apply either. Feel free to bend them in any way you can to get any advantage you need. Nexuiz is set to be the third release for Xbox Live House Party on Feb. 29

I Am Alive

I Am Alive has been in the works for quite a while and in the time it's undergone a complete overhaul. Set one year after a cataclysmic event that wiped out almost everyone on the entire globe, I Am Alive is the typical story of one guy desperately hanging onto a thread of hope that his family might still be alive. What makes this adventure so interesting is that he's not your typical hero. The main character isn't portrayed as an over-the-top, super-powered action movie star but rather as the average Joe just trying to survive. You'll be forced to keep track of your stamina level and make sure you don't burn yourself out while venturing through the ruins, so make sure to come up for air every so often. I Am Alive is set to be the fourth release for Xbox Live House Party on Mar. 7


BulletAsylum is an upcoming arcade style shooter that seems to be a tribute to the classics with a modern twist. With an almost endless arsenal of firepower and eye-popping graphics reminiscent of Bizarre Creation's Geometry Wars (2003), these developers are hoping to set Xbox Live for Windows Phone on fire with this title; and later, the PC as well. BulletAsylum is set to be the first release for Must Have Hits sometime in early February.

Chickens Can't Fly

Chickens Can't Fly is the zany sequel to Amused Sloth's Chickens Can Dream (2011) where anything and everything goes... as long as it involves chickens. You're challenged to join forces with the world's top scientist to figure out just what chickens can and can't do! Players will steer a falling chicken down a trench past all kinds of deadly traps and obstacles. It's somewhat like the ever-popular Doodle Jump only in reverse and with chickens! Chickens Can't Fly is set to be the second release for Must Have Hits sometime in February.

Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit

Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit is an adaptation of the 2010 console release under the same name. Featuring two separate campaigns - one cop, one racer - set on 24 different tracks; players will be able to choose from any of the 20 high-performance vehicles in the game. Anyone who's played the original release will know exactly what to expect, however, it'll just be in a more compact design for phones. Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit is set to be the third release for Must Have Hits sometime in late February.

Splinter Cell: Conviction

Splinter Cell: Conviction will also be an adaptation of a 2010 blockbuster released under the same name. The only downside to Splinter Cell: Conviction is that unlike Need For Speed's mobile game, SC:C will be taken out of the hands of its original developers. The game is still supposed to be a true-to-the-original port for Windows Phones, so hopefully these developers will do the game justice. Splinter Cell: Conviction is set to be the fourth release in Must Have Hits and will likely release in March.

Toy Soldiers: Boot Camp

Toy Soldiers: Boot Camp is the third installment in the Toy Soldiers series that have been hit sellers on the Xbox Live Arcade. This follow-up to Toy Soldiers and Toy Soldiers: Cold War is hopping to build on the already solid tower defense and shooting gallery mixed game play its predecessors have established. Toy Soldiers: Boot Camp will be the fifth and final release for Must Have Hits and will likely release in mid-March.



[12.30.11] Xbox Live bans guns for avatars

This gem will be gone starting Jan. 1Anthony Ortale

This gem will be gone starting Jan. 1

Anthony Ortale

That’s right, starting Jan 1, 2012 Xbox Live is officially removing all ‘gun-like’ items from the Avatar marketplace. It seems a tad bit ridiculous honestly, but Microsoft has always had a weird set of restrictions as to what an Avatar can and can’t do. In just two days, Microsoft will be adding to that list by preventing the sale of any guns to avatars. If you’ve already purchased one you don’t need to worry because Microsoft isn’t banning the actual use of guns on Avatars; so you can still sport your gun proudly for the world to see. This means, however, that if you ever have or ever will want any sort of gun for your Avatar, you need to grab it now before time runs out! To make it easy as possible for you, here’s a list of all the items that might be disappearing with the start of the New Year:

-Brush Launcher

-Freeze Ray

-Gold Hammerburst

-Gold Lancer

-Halo Scarab



-Miniature Tank

-RC Goliath Drone

-Rick’s Tank

-Robocop Toy


[05.09.11] 2011 Spring Dashboard update brings new disks and added security to Xbox 360

Amidst all the problems the PlayStation 3 is currently having, Microsoft seems to be taking advantage of the PSN's downtime to boost their security. Sony plans to reward gamers for their lost game time, but with an indefinite return for PlayStation Network there seems to be more reasons to switch consoles if you haven't already. The Xbox has been generous with a "Free Gold Weekend", free trial for the newly added Hulu Plus, and with the upcoming dashboard update, Xbox 360 gamers will have increased security with the option to pay for things through PayPal.

According to a report on Joystiq, the new update is set to release starting May 19th. If you don't receive it that day, you could be in one of the latter groups to receive it as it's being dispersed through 6 upgrade groups for the first time. The only thing directly visible to gamers will be the PayPal feature which will allow you to purchase items from the Xbox Live Marketplace using a secure PayPal account instead of directly entering credit card information. The spring update will also add support for the new XGD3 disk format that will be used on games released later in 2011. These disks will add extra on-disc storage space for developers and will also have additional layers of copy protection.

If this sounds like enough to get you to switch systems, the local video game stores are offering up to $180 store credit or $160 cash for a PS3. That knocks a little more than half off the price of a new 250GB Xbox 360, and that's not counting any additional trade in value from spare controllers, accessories, or games. If you're interested in a Kinect as well, the Coral Ridge Mall Target Store is offering $25 off the purchase of a Kinect and one eligible game. If the 250GB Xbox is more than you think you'll need, you could also pick up a 4GB model while you're there and get a $50 Target Gift card to put towards anything in the store. If you're looking to build your game library, any of the Cedar Rapids or Iowa City area Video Games Etc. stores are running a few specials for you: Buy two new games and get one pre-owned free, or buy three pre-owned games and get one pre-owned free. No matter where you look, it seems like everyone is trying to take advantage of the debilitated PlayStation Network.