[01.19.12] Get to know your gamers - Jessica Brierton

This week's Get to Know Your Gamers features a co-worker of mine with a lot of expertise in the area of gaming. She’s worked at Gamestop and the electronic section in her local Target; and is an avid gamer in her spare time. Watch out boys, because she’s about to kick your butt in Team Fortress 2, and look good doing it. Without further ado, here’s Ms. Brierton.

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from, what do you like to do (besides play video games)?

Well, I am from a few different places. I was born near Jacksonville, Florida. I have lived in Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona, and Iowa. I work full time and I go to school full time, so I stay pretty busy. However, I always find time for video games and watching my favorite TV shows. My problem is that I discover a TV show that I like and binge watch as many episodes as I can. I am currently watching Battlestar Galactica, which I highly recommend.

What got you into gaming and what was your first console or game?

I cannot remember not having a console. I started with a Super Nintendo and random PC games. I remember playing Aladdin, Q*Bert, and Super Mario Bros 3 when I was around 3 or 4. I would later have a Sega Genesis and Dreamcast.

Some people won’t play a game if the graphics are bad. Do graphics have that big of an impact for you?

Not at all, I was just playing Gauntlet Legends and Skies of Arcadia just the other day. It isn’t a deciding factor for me.

What do you look for in game / what makes a game ‘fun’ to you?

Customization. I love games where I can just alter everything, as long as I can see it. I hate that I spent forever customizing my character in Skyrim, only to never see her face again. Don’t laugh, but I swear the only thing I do in Sims 3 is just design the houses. I use cheats to get a ton of Simoleons, and I just decorate the crap out of the houses and family. Then I move my family to a different home and design it, then I do it again. But besides that, I really value a good storyline. I love a game where I can be completely immersed in the plot.

Do you consider yourself a ‘casual’ or ‘hardcore gamer?

Right now, I would say casual. I just don’t have the time to be a hardcore gamer. However, there was a point where I would definitely say I was hardcore, mostly when I played World of Warcraft pretty religiously and I was pretty much a bad***.

Do you prefer a solo experience or a co-op / multiplayer experience?

Depends on the game. Any shooter I would prefer multiplayer or co-op, but any other game I would much rather play solo.

What are you playing right now?

Way too many. Lately I have switch played a combination of Star Wars: The Old Republic, Team Fortress 2, Sims Medieval, Super Mario 3DLand, and Kingdom Hearts.

What is the worst game you’ve ever played?

Haha, Dead or Alive Xtreme 2. Enough said.

What do you consider to be the best game ever?

What a tough question. I know it’s not a particular game, but I am going to have to say the Mario franchise. It’s a classic that has made a huge impact on the video game industry and continues to prove that it can evolve with technology and next gen consoles. It manages to keep its originality with the same characters and storyline, but always reinventing how we save the Princess.

What is your favorite game console/handheld of all time?

Another tough question! I have to say Super Nintendo. It is such a classic and it helped shape the interests and hobbies I have today. I still have one in my living room.

What are some games you’re looking forward to?

Diablo III, Animal Crossing 3DS, Mario Party 9, Fable: The Journey, Epic Mickey 2, Sorcery (don’t laugh!), and Luigi’s Mansion 2.

What game would you like to see get a sequel that likely won’t happen?

I would love to see a sequel to Dokapon Kingdom or a new King’s Quest.

Random Thought?

“It’s too dangerous to go alone! Take this.” ♥

As always, if you would like to be featured in Get To Know Your Gamers, just send an email to ortale.anthony@gmail.com, and we can set up an interview!

Anthony Ortale writes news and reviews on behalf of Examiner.com. He does so much gaming in his spare time, it’s practically a full time job! If you like what you read here, please subscribe to his articles! You can also follow Tony on Twitter, or become a fan on Facebook! If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to email Tony any time at ortale.anthony@gmail.com, he’d love to hear from you!