The MonoBlog — Grinning Moth

A Well Overdue Update

Hello friends. I'm sure you've noticed the website had been relatively dormant for quite some time. That's entirely my fault and I greatly apologize. Life has been busy as I transitioned to a new full-time job at the start of the year as well as upped my classes from part-time to full-time. Unfortunately, this increased workload left me little time to do the things I wanted to do as I spent time focusing on the things I needed to do. Still, I held out hope that I would find the time to pop in and write an article or review... but never really quite found the time.

So, as far as things stand, all of my work - writing, YouTube, Podcasting, etc. - has been put on an undetermined hiatus. It's not a decision I took lightly, but I finally realized I had been attempting to take on too much all at once. Believe me, it is killing me not to get to do these things I love, but I realized that trying to keep up was causing too much stress and ruining activities for me that were supposed to be fun - namely, playing games. I'll still stream on occasion and I'm always feverishly working at Extra Life, but I've decided to put school first and let video games be an escape for me instead of just feeling like more work.

That doesn't mean this website is dead! To the contrary, Rob is still hard at work on multiple projects and I will continue to update this website so you can keep up with his latest and greatest. Who knows, maybe I'll find some time to contribute something every now and then. One thing's for sure, though: this isn't the end; I will return.

Strange Things are Happening!

Well, things are going to start changing around here! Don't worry, nothing is going to disappear - well, nothing from this site is going to disappear. Unfortunately, some of the content from external sources will disappear for reasons beyond our control.

For those who have not heard yet, made the decision to close down on July 10, 2016. There are no specific details as to what will happen with the website, but there are hints that everything will disappear. I'm currently in the process of archiving as many of my articles as possible and hope to move them to this site as a final resting place. The logistics haven't been ironed out yet, but I'm going to take my time and explore the options. From here on out, any new articles will likely be written directly on this site - although, again, that's being worked out too. It will probably be an ongoing process of tweaking things and experimenting with what works best. Rest assured, though, you will still be receiving the same great content!

This includes The Ramble Sessions, which was not forgotten! We just decided to make good use of the "unscheduled" disclaimer. However, we are very interested in continuing to put out more episodes, although exactly when is uncertain.

Please, bear with us as we work through these transitions. As always, we appreciate your support!

Stay tuned!