For this week’s Get To Know Your Gamers, I reached out to a longtime friend of mine. We’ve known each other since grade school days and we still play video games together to this day. Besides being a great friend, he’s also a fantastic singing partner. If you think he’s talented at Halo, you should hear those pipes he’s got on him! Soak up everything you can from this article, because he’s probably going to be a famous singer in the near future. Then you can brag to your friends about how you knew about this kid before he was world-famous, and maybe even impress them by knowing what his favorite game is!
You might actually recognize him already, if you find yourself frequenting the Iowa State Fair, because he’s sung there multiple times. You may have even seen him perform elsewhere. Until now though, you probably never knew about his gaming side. Have no fear though, for here is everything you’d ever want to know (gaming related) about Mr. Adam Bogh.
Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from, what do you like to do (besides play video games)?
I'm a senior at Luther College in Decorah, IA double majoring in management and music. You can usually find me either practicing or in rehearsal when I'm not doing homework or studying. In my free time I play a lot of pick-up basketball games, listen to music, sing, watch some TV/movies, and play around with recording equipment whenever I get the chance.
What got you into gaming and what was your first console or game?
My dad actually got me into gaming when the Super Nintendo came out. At first, he only let us watch him play Super Mario Bros; but soon enough he let us give it a try. We actually didn't get an NES until after we had the Super Nintendo. The first game that I ever owned was Metroid for the NES, still one of my all-time favorites. I, of course, dabbled in Duck Hunt and Mega Man on the NES. Good times.
Some people won’t play a game if the graphics are bad. Do graphics have that big of an impact for you?
It actually affects me more than I'd like to think. It doesn't affect my taste in older/retro games... I mean come on... But if a game is released today that looks questionable and game play seems choppy because of it, I'll usually move on pretty quickly. I like to be immersed in a game, it helps me relax. It makes it harder to be completely immersed in a game when I can count the pixels.
What do you look for in game / what makes a game ‘fun’ to you?
What really speaks to me in a game is replayability. I don't have a lot of money, so I want to make sure that if I purchase a game that I get my bang for my buck. Whether that means different difficulty settings, game add-ons/expansions, an intricate and involved story line, collectibles, side stories, or multiplayer functions; they all help reassure me that this game was worth it.
With this replay-ability factor goes with another feature I look for: dedicated multiplayer modes. I find that when I'm playing with friends that I enjoy the game so much more. A game that really concentrates on multiplayer modes and makes sure that their consumers can play their product for longer than a few hours really makes me happy that I purchased it.
-Do you consider yourself a ‘casual’ or ‘hardcore gamer?
I think I'd probably consider myself more on the "hardcore" side of gaming. I don't play as much as you think a hardcore gamer would, but when I'm play I'm paying close attention to everything from graphics quality to game physics. I don't play games to simply fill some time, but play to find those standout games that are worth telling people about.
Do you prefer a solo experience or a co-op / multiplayer experience?
As I said before, I usually like co-op/multiplayer over solo because of the replay-ability factor and it's just flat-out more fun to hang out with friends and game then to sit in a dark room by yourself.
What are you playing right now?
Little Big Planet! I don't play PS3 much, but LBP is hilarious!
What is the worst game you’ve ever played?
Iron Chef America for the Wii. So bad.
What do you consider to be the best game ever?
I know this sounds fanboy-esc, but I'm going with the Call of Duty franchise. They do such a great job interacting with their fan base and staying true to what the game is. Just don't make me pay for Elite...
What is your favorite game console/handheld of all time?
Right now, my Xbox 360 is my social life outside of college; it's how I keep in contact with friends from home. Also with the old Xbox (and the 360) I've had countless LAN parties playing Halo for a good 12 hours straight. So I'd have to go with the Xbox/Xbox 360 because of its social factor.
What are some games you’re looking forward to?
Halo 4, Prototype 2, Fable: The Journey, South Park: The Game, SSX
What game would you like to see get a sequel that likely won’t happen?
I know there might have been initial talks, but I think it might have fallen through. I'd love to see a Mirrors Edge sequel. It was a great concept that just needed some tweaking, like a longer story line and a free run mode.
Random Thought?
RC Cola is an underrated beverage.
Anthony Ortale writes news and reviews on behalf of He does so much gaming in his spare time, it’s practically a full time job! If you like what you read here, please subscribe to his articles! You can also follow Tony on Twitter, or become a fan on Facebook! If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to email Tony any time at, he would love to hear from you