[03.24.12] Get to know your gamers - Alex Bogh





For this week’s Get To Know Your Gamers, I reached out to a longtime friend of mine. We’ve known each other since grade school days and we still play video games together to this day. Besides being a great friend, he’s also a fantastic singing partner. If you think he’s talented at Halo, you should hear those pipes he’s got on him! Soak up everything you can from this article, because he’s probably going to be a famous singer in the near future. Then you can brag to your friends about how you knew about this kid before he was world-famous, and maybe even impress them by knowing what his favorite game is!

You might actually recognize him already if you find yourself frequenting the Iowa State Fair, because he’s sung there multiple times. You may have even seen him perform elsewhere. Until now, though, you probably never knew about his gaming si-

Wait, wait, wait… this all sounds very familiar doesn’t it…? That’s because you’ve already read this intro. Don’t worry though, you’re not seeing double. Well, ok actually you are, just not with the article. It’s all new this week, but the reason it sounds so familiar is that this week’s interviewee is last week’s brother; and together with their sister, they’re triplets. So yes, they may look very similar but as you read on you’ll see they’re very different. It’s fascinating to see how two people with the same roots and similar talents in real life take such different branches when it comes to video games; but don’t take my word for it. If you’d like a refresher on Adam Bogh’s interview, you can read up on it here; but for those of you who still have a vibrant memory of everything, here is his brother, Mr. Alex Bogh.

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from, what do you like to do (besides play video games)?

I am from Coralville, Iowa. Besides video games, I enjoy designing, drawing, playing piano, playing basketball, and watching football. After graduating from Luther College this spring, I plan on moving to the Chicago area and working as a designer.

What got you into gaming and what was your first console or game?

My first console was the NES, along with my first game "Super Mario Bros.". I would say the first game that really got me into gaming on a regular basis was "Super Mario World" on the SNES.

Some people won’t play a game if the graphics are bad. Do graphics have that big of an impact for you?

I defiantly play some games for beautiful graphics, but bad graphics don't necessarily mean I won't play a game. Sometimes a really great game needs to sacrifice some graphic quality to have a better all-around experience, like faster load times or better performance. I think most companies have the ability to make the game look as lifelike as possible, but choose to better the playability of the game.

What do you look for in game / what makes a game ‘fun’ to you?

Along with long lasting playability, I look for a story that I can immerse myself in completely. The games I have the most fun with are games I can play with my friends, like any of the top FPS titles. However, when playing single player, I really enjoy RPG’s like Red Dead Redemption or Skyrim. Both of those games are good examples of a story you can really get lost in.

Do you consider yourself a ‘casual’ or ‘hardcore gamer?

I would call myself a casual gamer. That doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy challenging myself or that I’m not competitive. I just don’t put in the time like some gamers do. However, when it comes to any of the Halo’s or Super Smash Brothers, I geek out and study pro matches and train like a pro gamer. So my “hardcore” side shows every once in a while.

Do you prefer a solo experience or a co-op / multiplayer experience?

If my friends are online, I prefer a multiplayer game where we can all participate at the same time (depending on how big the party is). More than often now, I am not online at the same time as my friends, so I enjoy putting on some good music and blasting through a campaign. As I said before, I also really enjoy a good story that I can get lost in; like you’re playing through a movie. If I can do this with friends, even better.

What are you playing right now?

Right now I am playing through Borderlands again, because I’m getting so excited for Borderlands 2. I also waste many hours of my life playing Super Smash Brothers Brawl, a series I have loved since the first one on the N64.

What is the worst game you’ve ever played?

I have to say I was pretty disappointed with Call of Duty: Black Ops. It’s not because it was poorly made, but because I felt it played so different from any other CoD game. The only thing I enjoyed about the CoD’s made by Treyarch were the Nazi Zombies, and even the WaW Nazi zombies were better than the Black Ops.

What do you consider to be the best game ever?

The best game ever made is Red Dead Redemption. It was masterfully done by Rockstar. It was a great story with a good mix of drama and humor. Although the game was a lot of fun to play, I found that the reason I wanted to play the most was to be in the story and act out my role as a cowboy, and exploring my way across this huge landscape. Also, the soundtrack was fantastic as well.

What is your favorite game console/handheld of all time?

My favorite console has to be the Super Nintendo, as it was my first love. I have fond memories as a kid playing Mortal Kombat and Super Mario World with my brother.

What are some games you’re looking forward to?

I really can’t wait for Borderlands 2, since the first Borderlands was so well done and a blast to play. And of course, being a long time Halo guy, the idea of a new studio (343) doing another Halo is interesting.

What game would you like to see get a sequel that likely won’t happen?

I’m going to kick it old school and say “The Simpsons Hit’ n Run” deserves another game. I loved the “Crazy Taxi” play mixed with the Simpsons world (one of my favorite shows, although the new ones are awful). Even “The Simpsons Road Rage” was a great game, and I think deserves another title. Grand Theft Auto + Simpsons = awesome.

Random Thought?

I stick to the Xbox 360. However, if the Halo’s were on the PS3, and I could use an Xbox controller, I would switch to the Playstation Network right away, mostly because you don’t have to pay money for online play if you don’t want to.

[03.08.12] Get to know your gamers - Adam Bogh




For this week’s Get To Know Your Gamers, I reached out to a longtime friend of mine. We’ve known each other since grade school days and we still play video games together to this day. Besides being a great friend, he’s also a fantastic singing partner. If you think he’s talented at Halo, you should hear those pipes he’s got on him! Soak up everything you can from this article, because he’s probably going to be a famous singer in the near future. Then you can brag to your friends about how you knew about this kid before he was world-famous, and maybe even impress them by knowing what his favorite game is!

You might actually recognize him already, if you find yourself frequenting the Iowa State Fair, because he’s sung there multiple times. You may have even seen him perform elsewhere. Until now though, you probably never knew about his gaming side. Have no fear though, for here is everything you’d ever want to know (gaming related) about Mr. Adam Bogh.

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from, what do you like to do (besides play video games)?

I'm a senior at Luther College in Decorah, IA double majoring in management and music. You can usually find me either practicing or in rehearsal when I'm not doing homework or studying. In my free time I play a lot of pick-up basketball games, listen to music, sing, watch some TV/movies, and play around with recording equipment whenever I get the chance.

What got you into gaming and what was your first console or game?

My dad actually got me into gaming when the Super Nintendo came out. At first, he only let us watch him play Super Mario Bros; but soon enough he let us give it a try. We actually didn't get an NES until after we had the Super Nintendo. The first game that I ever owned was Metroid for the NES, still one of my all-time favorites. I, of course, dabbled in Duck Hunt and Mega Man on the NES. Good times.

Some people won’t play a game if the graphics are bad. Do graphics have that big of an impact for you?

It actually affects me more than I'd like to think. It doesn't affect my taste in older/retro games... I mean come on... But if a game is released today that looks questionable and game play seems choppy because of it, I'll usually move on pretty quickly. I like to be immersed in a game, it helps me relax. It makes it harder to be completely immersed in a game when I can count the pixels.

What do you look for in game / what makes a game ‘fun’ to you?

What really speaks to me in a game is replayability. I don't have a lot of money, so I want to make sure that if I purchase a game that I get my bang for my buck. Whether that means different difficulty settings, game add-ons/expansions, an intricate and involved story line, collectibles, side stories, or multiplayer functions; they all help reassure me that this game was worth it.

With this replay-ability factor goes with another feature I look for: dedicated multiplayer modes. I find that when I'm playing with friends that I enjoy the game so much more. A game that really concentrates on multiplayer modes and makes sure that their consumers can play their product for longer than a few hours really makes me happy that I purchased it.

-Do you consider yourself a ‘casual’ or ‘hardcore gamer?

I think I'd probably consider myself more on the "hardcore" side of gaming. I don't play as much as you think a hardcore gamer would, but when I'm play I'm paying close attention to everything from graphics quality to game physics. I don't play games to simply fill some time, but play to find those standout games that are worth telling people about.

Do you prefer a solo experience or a co-op / multiplayer experience?

As I said before, I usually like co-op/multiplayer over solo because of the replay-ability factor and it's just flat-out more fun to hang out with friends and game then to sit in a dark room by yourself.

What are you playing right now?

Little Big Planet! I don't play PS3 much, but LBP is hilarious!

What is the worst game you’ve ever played?

Iron Chef America for the Wii. So bad.

What do you consider to be the best game ever?

I know this sounds fanboy-esc, but I'm going with the Call of Duty franchise. They do such a great job interacting with their fan base and staying true to what the game is. Just don't make me pay for Elite...

What is your favorite game console/handheld of all time?

Right now, my Xbox 360 is my social life outside of college; it's how I keep in contact with friends from home. Also with the old Xbox (and the 360) I've had countless LAN parties playing Halo for a good 12 hours straight. So I'd have to go with the Xbox/Xbox 360 because of its social factor.

What are some games you’re looking forward to?

Halo 4Prototype 2Fable: The JourneySouth Park: The GameSSX

What game would you like to see get a sequel that likely won’t happen?

I know there might have been initial talks, but I think it might have fallen through. I'd love to see a Mirrors Edge sequel. It was a great concept that just needed some tweaking, like a longer story line and a free run mode.

Random Thought?

RC Cola is an underrated beverage.

Anthony Ortale writes news and reviews on behalf of Examiner.com. He does so much gaming in his spare time, it’s practically a full time job! If you like what you read here, please subscribe to his articles! You can also follow Tony on Twitter, or become a fan on Facebook! If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to email Tony any time at ortale.anthony@gmail.com, he would love to hear from you

[01.19.12] Get to know your gamers - Jessica Brierton

This week's Get to Know Your Gamers features a co-worker of mine with a lot of expertise in the area of gaming. She’s worked at Gamestop and the electronic section in her local Target; and is an avid gamer in her spare time. Watch out boys, because she’s about to kick your butt in Team Fortress 2, and look good doing it. Without further ado, here’s Ms. Brierton.

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from, what do you like to do (besides play video games)?

Well, I am from a few different places. I was born near Jacksonville, Florida. I have lived in Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona, and Iowa. I work full time and I go to school full time, so I stay pretty busy. However, I always find time for video games and watching my favorite TV shows. My problem is that I discover a TV show that I like and binge watch as many episodes as I can. I am currently watching Battlestar Galactica, which I highly recommend.

What got you into gaming and what was your first console or game?

I cannot remember not having a console. I started with a Super Nintendo and random PC games. I remember playing Aladdin, Q*Bert, and Super Mario Bros 3 when I was around 3 or 4. I would later have a Sega Genesis and Dreamcast.

Some people won’t play a game if the graphics are bad. Do graphics have that big of an impact for you?

Not at all, I was just playing Gauntlet Legends and Skies of Arcadia just the other day. It isn’t a deciding factor for me.

What do you look for in game / what makes a game ‘fun’ to you?

Customization. I love games where I can just alter everything, as long as I can see it. I hate that I spent forever customizing my character in Skyrim, only to never see her face again. Don’t laugh, but I swear the only thing I do in Sims 3 is just design the houses. I use cheats to get a ton of Simoleons, and I just decorate the crap out of the houses and family. Then I move my family to a different home and design it, then I do it again. But besides that, I really value a good storyline. I love a game where I can be completely immersed in the plot.

Do you consider yourself a ‘casual’ or ‘hardcore gamer?

Right now, I would say casual. I just don’t have the time to be a hardcore gamer. However, there was a point where I would definitely say I was hardcore, mostly when I played World of Warcraft pretty religiously and I was pretty much a bad***.

Do you prefer a solo experience or a co-op / multiplayer experience?

Depends on the game. Any shooter I would prefer multiplayer or co-op, but any other game I would much rather play solo.

What are you playing right now?

Way too many. Lately I have switch played a combination of Star Wars: The Old Republic, Team Fortress 2, Sims Medieval, Super Mario 3DLand, and Kingdom Hearts.

What is the worst game you’ve ever played?

Haha, Dead or Alive Xtreme 2. Enough said.

What do you consider to be the best game ever?

What a tough question. I know it’s not a particular game, but I am going to have to say the Mario franchise. It’s a classic that has made a huge impact on the video game industry and continues to prove that it can evolve with technology and next gen consoles. It manages to keep its originality with the same characters and storyline, but always reinventing how we save the Princess.

What is your favorite game console/handheld of all time?

Another tough question! I have to say Super Nintendo. It is such a classic and it helped shape the interests and hobbies I have today. I still have one in my living room.

What are some games you’re looking forward to?

Diablo III, Animal Crossing 3DS, Mario Party 9, Fable: The Journey, Epic Mickey 2, Sorcery (don’t laugh!), and Luigi’s Mansion 2.

What game would you like to see get a sequel that likely won’t happen?

I would love to see a sequel to Dokapon Kingdom or a new King’s Quest.

Random Thought?

“It’s too dangerous to go alone! Take this.” ♥

As always, if you would like to be featured in Get To Know Your Gamers, just send an email to ortale.anthony@gmail.com, and we can set up an interview!

Anthony Ortale writes news and reviews on behalf of Examiner.com. He does so much gaming in his spare time, it’s practically a full time job! If you like what you read here, please subscribe to his articles! You can also follow Tony on Twitter, or become a fan on Facebook! If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to email Tony any time at ortale.anthony@gmail.com, he’d love to hear from you!


[01.07.12] Get to know your gamers - Tom Boggess

After taking an extended hiatus, Get to Know Your Gamers is back this week with a good friend of mine, Tom Boggess. If you need a co-op buddy for anything, Tom is about as good as they come. Whether he’s shooting up bad guys with you in survival mode for Modern Warfare 3 or exploiting physics while toting a portal gun in Portal 2; he’s got your back whatever the situation. As always, if you’re interested in being featured on ‘Get to Know Your Gamers’, just shoot me an email at ortale.anthony@gmail.com and we can set up an interview!

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from, what do you like to do (besides play video games)?

I’m a pretty hardcore gamer – at least when I have the money. I’m 21 years old; I’ve lived in Iowa my entire life. I’m in the process of joining the Marines, which is what I dedicate most of my time to, but I always enjoy hanging out with friends when I get the chance.

What got you into gaming?

My parents. When I was three or four years old, they bought an Atari and ever since then it’s been moving from one game system to the next. Pong and Atari Bowling… those were the days!

What was your first console / game?

The Atari was the first one, and I don’t really remember but Pong was probably the first game I played.

Some people won’t play a game if the graphics are bad. Do graphics have that big of an impact for you?

If the graphics aren’t going to be good, it should at least have a good story. I’ll admit that graphics definitely are the thing that grabs my attention, but I’ve also played a lot of games where the graphics are amazing but the game isn’t good at all.

What do you look for in game / what makes a game ‘fun’ to you?

Lots of fast paced action and custom abilities. I love the idea of being able to somehow put myself into the game.

Do you consider yourself a ‘casual’ or ‘hardcore gamer?


Do you prefer a solo or co-op / multiplayer experience?

I’d prefer to play with people. I’m always looking for a game that I can play with my dad or friends when they come over.

What are you playing right now?

Battlefield 3 and Skyrim

What is the worst game you’ve ever played?

I don’t know what the worst game I’ve ever played is, but the worst game I’ve ever owned was Naruto: Ultimate Ninja for the PS2. I actually tried to return that game two hours after I bought it. I paid $55 for it, and they wanted to give me back $10. Because of that, it forced me to play the rest of it and although it may not have been the worst I’ve ever played, it was definitely one of the worst I’ve ever owned.

What do you consider to be the best game ever?

There are three that pop into my mind right away. The first is Final Fantasy VIII, the second is Chrono Cross, and the third is SOCOM 2SOCOM 2 to this day is still the best shooter I’ve ever played and owned. I don’t know what it is about that game, but I remember sitting there for like 12 hours at a time and sometimes I’d be sitting there for 30 minutes doing absolutely nothing, but my heart would still be racing just from the excitement of the game. The thing I loved best about Final Fantasy VIII is that it allowed you to put your own personality into the main character. Chrono Cross is probably one of the best RPG’s I’ve played outside of the Final Fantasy series. The way it’s setup is just so unique, it makes me want to play it right now just from thinking about it.

Random Thought?

Tell your mother I said hello.


[07.01.11] Get to know your gamers - Tony Ortale

Tony OrtaleMicrosoft

Tony Ortale


Well it’s that time of the week again, and I thought I'd mix things up a little bit. I realized it might be interesting for you guys to know the man behind all of these articles you're reading, so I decided to interview myself! Today you'll get an inside look on your favorite video games Examiner, so you can see what make me tick! As always, if you would like to see yourself in the spotlight on "Get to Know Your Gamers", feel free to drop an email and we'll get you in the rotation!

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from, what do you like to do (besides play video games)?

I’ve lived in Iowa all my life, have a huge passion for music, and like playing sports with friends. I’m also notorious for having a massive crush on Taylor Swift and boldly flaunting the fact that my favorite band is the Backstreet Boys. I work in the electronics section of my local Target, the newest location for Gamers in Coralville, ChaCha, and write articles for Examiner.com.

What got you into gaming?

Having a NES sitting around in my house growing up was my pathway into the world of gaming. I loved that system and that’s where I developed my passion for gaming. I feel like it offers an experience that movies just can’t match, because you’re actually involved in it.

What was your first console / game?

That lovely Nintendo Entertainment System, which I still have, and it still works! My first game was probably either Super Mario Bros. or Joshua for the NES.

Some people won’t play a game if the graphics are bad. Do graphics have that big of an impact for you?

Graphics are great, but what I really look for is a truly immersive experience or something that never gets old.

What do you look for in game / what makes a game ‘fun’ to you?

I love a story you can really dive deep into and become lost in. It’s also great to have games you can keep coming back to, like the Halo series, which are great for those late night gaming sessions with friends!

Do you consider yourself a ‘casual’ or ‘hardcore gamer?

I would consider myself hardcore, however I really like the points my friends Rob Nielsen and Adison Finken brought up in their interviews. I agree that if you’re going to try to define yourself, it really varies by game; however, that it’s really just a better idea not to categorize yourself in any way.

Do you prefer a solo or co-op / multiplayer experience?

Both. I love a strong single player experience to lose yourself in, however the multiplayer is a huge component, because it’s nice to wind down each night by hoping on Xbox live and being able to game with a bunch of my friends that aren’t nearby anymore.

What are you playing right now?

L.A. Noire, MLB 10: The Show, NBA 2K11, and Borderlands.

What is the worst game you’ve ever played?

Terminator: Salvation. That was disgusting. I did manage to grind through it though for the achievements… I’m kind of an achievement hoarder.

What do you consider to be the best game ever?

Now everyone is going to know I threw a trick question into my interview, but for me, I don’t think there’s really any such thing as a universal ‘best game ever’. I think the ‘best game ever’ is the game that’s most special to you. This is going to come as a surprise to many because everyone knows I love the Guitar Hero series, however for me, that game would be Halo 2 because of the nights of endless gaming with all of my friends where we would have a massive LAN party with tons of pizza, soda, and Halo. After sticking to the normal game types for a while, we’d mix it up a little with our own game types like hide-and-seek or tower of power. Our greatest innovation may have been ‘mongoose wars’, but that actually came about in Halo 3.

Random Thought?

Ok… shameless promotion time.

I could really use some more people to interview, hint hint, so if you’d like to be featured, shoot me an email: ortale.anthony@gmail.com or contact me on Facebook. It’s a chance for your 15 minutes of fame and a great opportunity to tell the world what it really needs to hear! Well, in the realm of video games anyway…


[06.23.11] Get to know your gamers - Adison Finken

Adison Finken's Xbox Live AvatarMicrosoft

Adison Finken's Xbox Live Avatar


Well, it’s that time of the week again, so today we go all the way to Des Moines, IA for an interview with Mr. Adison Finken. He’s a man of strong opinions which he loves to share. If you ever want someone great to talk about video games with, then he’s your man. His knowledge of the industry is astounding and informative; it’s likely you’ll see his name pop up at least a few more times around here. As always, if you would like to see yourself in the spotlight on "Get to Know Your Gamers", feel free to drop an email and we'll get you in the rotation!

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from, what do you like to do (besides play video games)?

I’m Adison Finken from West Des Moines. Aside from gaming, my second passion is movies. Most of my time spent is either from watching movies or making bank, working the 9 – 5 for the man. I’m a big fan of Frisbee and traveling. I also do a movie podcast with a friend of mine called “Dude, that was sweet”. It’s about 45 minutes to an hour of movies and entertainment news. Nothing has been posted yet, but I’ll update with a link as soon as we upload some material.

What got you into gaming?

I have two fond memories of gaming. When I was much younger, my dad would always take the Nintendo controller and mess with it. One time, he recorded himself playing it and then would give me the controller playing back his recording and tell my mom “look, he’s really good at Mario!” making her think I’m some gaming prodigy at about the age of 3. I also would always go to my dad’s work and play Duke Nukem 3D because we didn’t have computers powerful enough at home, and I thought that was the coolest game ever!

What was your first console / game?

The Nintendo 64 was my first console. The game I remember most fondly was Turok the Dinosaur hunter, because I thought it was so cool when you’d shoot people in the jugular and it would just spray all out! Super Mario 64, although not my favorite, was funny because my brother actually received it in his pile of Christmas Gifts and was very adamant about being the first to play it, however he ran off and played with other Christmas gifts while I sat patiently waiting for my dad to plug the console in, so I actually got to play it first.

Some people won’t play a game if the graphics are bad. Do graphics have that big of an impact for you?

Graphics are important, but often times aren’t the determining factor. They go a long way in making it seem more realistic, but gameplay comes first; It has to be fun to play.

What do you look for in game / what makes a game ‘fun’ to you?

The big thing that I look for in a game is gameplay. It has to be really really fun to play. My favorite style is 3rd person action games. I actually got my start more in 1st person games, but I elevated to 3rd and now prefer the way they play. Games like Uncharted are some of my favorite. I’ll play pretty much anything though, I’m not a “video game snob” with the exception of sports games… because I suck at them.

Do you consider yourself a ‘casual’ or ‘hardcore gamer?

I would say it depends on the game. The majority of the time I’m a casual gamer – I like to play for the fun, and not for the competitive aspect – however if I’m playing a game that is more competition oriented I would consider myself more hardcore. I really enjoyed Modern Warfare 2 and played the online multiplayer like crazy, so for that I’d consider myself ‘hardcore’.

Do you prefer a solo or co-op / multiplayer experience?

I’m a big single-player guy. The thing that I value more than anything is a good single-player aspect. Multiplayer and co-op is great, but you just don’t get the same immersion that you get with the single-player experience, and I really like to find myself fully immersed in the story.

What are you playing right now?

Just picked up Infamous 2 for the PS3 and Red Faction Armageddon for the 360. I’m playingInfamous 2 more, because it has a better story, and I love that it makes you feel like a super-hero. You start out so powerful, and even by half-way through, you’re just wondering what powers they could possibly keep giving you to make you more powerful.

What is the worst game you’ve ever played?

That’s a tough question. I’m going to give a very controversial answer. Bringing everything in as far as quality of its predecessors and all the hype surrounding it, I’m going to have to say that Black Opps was the worst game I’ve ever played. Not necessarily because it was actually the worst quality game I’ve ever played, but simply because it was over hyped and not as well refined as I thought it should have been. I’m not saying no one should play it, but I’m saying that personally it was just a huge let-down for me and that’s why I didn’t enjoy it.

What do you consider to be the best game ever?

Half Life and Counterstrike. Half Life was a very crucial game in defining what I became as a gamer, being that it’s so immersive, I’d never really played a game that was so awesome. Everything was unparalleled. I can pick it up today and not enjoy it as much as a game I just grabbed off the shelf for 60. Counterstrike, because I spent so much time on it playing with friends. We’d go home from school and play until it was bed time, then get up in the morning and play some more. It was one of those games you just can’t put down, before the time of Call of Duty or Battlefield, and the online play was just so much fun.

Random Thought?

Whenever it comes down to it, movies are still better than games, because I have more movies than games.


[06.15.11] Get to know your gamers - Rob Nielsen

<p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;line-height:
normal">The avatar Rob uses to represent himself on the PlayStation Network <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;line-height:

The avatar Rob uses to represent himself on the PlayStation Network



It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for another Get To Know Your Gamers. This week, the spotlight falls on Mr. Rob Nielsen. If anybody ever really knew what it meant to be a gamer, it’s this guy! Read on to find out why and to hear the rest of what he has to say. As always, if you would like to be featured in "Get to Know Your Gamers", feel free to drop an email and we'll get you in the rotation!

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from, what do you like to do (besides play video games)?

I`m Rob and I`m from Waterloo, Iowa. I play video games way too much. When I`m not, I`m usually playing my guitar, painting, or watching terrible horror films. If I`m not doing any of those things my nose is probably stuck in a book.

What got you into gaming?

Art is really important to me, and video games are just another art form, so I was always interested in them as far back as memory allows. I consider my generation very fortunate as we were able to grow up in the golden age of a new art form.

What was your first console / game?

My first console was the NES, and my first game was the Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt pack-in. I still have them, and all my original NES and SNES games and systems.

Some people won’t play a game if the graphics are bad. Do graphics have that big of an impact for you?

Graphics can add a great deal to immersion if done well, but they aren`t my primary criteria for playing a game. I`m usually a lot more interested in the gameplay and the story. For example, I would point to a game like Super Metroid, a case where the graphics were stunning when the game was released but in which the game remains completely playable today, almost twenty years later, on the strength of its story, intuitive controls, and atmosphere.

What do you look for in game / what makes a game ‘fun’ to you?

Since I`m primarily interested in single-player experiences, having a strong story is really the deciding factor when choosing the games I want to play. Like a film or book, I lose interest quickly if I don`t feel like I can relate to the protagonist or if the plot isn`t compelling. Also a strong element of exploration in a game always seems to hook me and keep me playing, wanting to see what`s around the next corner. Finally, as a lifelong fan of horror literature and films, scary games are always a personal favorite. My very favorite games usually contain all of the above elements in one fashion or another.

Do you consider yourself a ‘casual’ or ‘hardcore gamer?

I don`t really think of myself as either. I don`t think anyone should self-define using paradigms like that because they`re inherently limiting. I think people should just play the games that appeal to them.

Do you prefer a solo or co-op / multiplayer experience?

Single player is really important to me. Multiplayer is a nice added component for a great game, but for me, if a game doesn’t have a great single player experience, the whole game just feels shallow and unfulfilling. However, I understand that other gamers may have a different viewpoint.

What are you playing right now?

I just finished Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, which in my view is an incredible game and very underrated. Currently, I`m playing Demon`s Souls, Fallout: New Vegas, and Patapon 2, all of which are really great games as well.

What is the worst game you’ve ever played?

I remember purchasing The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall upon release. Upon starting the game, the software would often glitch and spawn your character in the first dungeon with a random negative number for health, sometimes one`s hero would fall through the floor and out of the game world when walking, and the hero could loiter in the in-game shops until they 'closed' for the evening, steal everything on the shelves, and walk out the front door with no consequence whatsoever. In fact, the game was so broken that the main quest could not be completed and the game was completely unwinnable until Bethesda patched it later. However, post-patch, the game is one of the best RPG`s ever made and still a personal favorite to this day.

What do you consider to be the best game ever?

Hands down the Mario series is still the best, across every Nintendo console iteration, and always will be. Individually though, I would have to name Silent Hill 2 as a personal favorite.

Random Thought?

Keep on enjoying this awesome hobby, and a personal thanks to my good buddy Tony for giving me an opportunity to ramble for a while!


[06.08.11] Get To Know Your Gamers - Ryan Hingtgen

Ryan Hingtgen's Xbox Live AvatarMicrosoft

Ryan Hingtgen's Xbox Live Avatar


Today marks the start of a new series called "Get to Know Your Gamers". Roughly every week (or maybe just whenever I have something to post), I'll be interviewing a local gamer and asking their opinions on video games. It's a fun way to give everyone their "15 Minutes of Fame" and to get an idea of what people around here think about the industry. If you would like to be featured in "Get to Know Your Gamers", feel free to drop an email and we'll set something up! Without further ado, here's our first featured Gamer: Ryan Hingtgen.

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from, what do you like to do (besides play video games)?

21 years old, lived in Iowa all my life. Besides video games I also enjoy tabletop, board games, and building models.

What got you into gaming?

Had an OLD computer with a troll doll game lol. Also got to play a lot of Nintendo and Sega at friends’ houses and I was hooked. Also used to play a lot of Civilization on the computer, got a copy at the library and I still play that game. I’m not sure if I ever returned the copy I borrowed!

What was your first console / game?

Personally I had a PS1 that I had gotten for Christmas one year. I pretty much only played NBA Live 98, with all the rules off of course. Those were some full contact games of basketball!

Some people won’t play a game if the graphics are bad. Do graphics have that big of an impact for you?

It really depends on the game. Lately I’ve been playing a lot of Minecraft. It’s a great game but it has awful graphics. However that works because it has an awesome format that makes it infinitely replayable. I definitely prefer a well thought out game to a pretty one any day.

What do you look for in game / what makes a game ‘fun’ to you?

It has to be replayable, and it has to have some multiplayer features. In fact, if there’s no online multiplayer option, I don’t really buy a game anymore.

Do you consider yourself a ‘casual’ or ‘hardcore gamer?

I’m definitely somewhere in the middle, on the one hand I’m spending most of my time in my games, but I’ve known folks who dreamed of going pro (lol). I definitely just play games because I find it relaxing. The moment a game becomes stressful, it sits on my shelf.

Do you prefer a solo or co-op / multiplayer experience?

Definitely Online Multiplayer. Cut my teeth online playing Socom for PlayStation and never looked back.

What are you playing right now?

At the moment I’m playing Rift, great game so far and a good alternative to World of Warcraft if MMO’s are your thing. Here’s a link to a free trial [Edit: Link Fixed!]. I’m also playing some Starcraft 2 and Call of Duty right now. Kind of biding my time until Battlefield comes out, looks to be a good one, but we will see!

What is the worst game you’ve ever played?

There was once an American Idol music game I got for my birthday from a friend. You could play it with the sound off on the hardest difficulty. To be fair, it was great fun to play with friends when they were over, but looking back it was a completely laughable attempt at a game.

What do you consider to be the best game ever?

To be honest I don’t think I could pick just one. For sports games I think NBA 2k11 was excellent, made me feel like a little kid again playing basketball! Judging by my playtime, I might say World of Warcraft, but I feel that that has gone downhill over the past couple years. And then there was Guitar Hero! I have played so many good games I wouldn’t want to pick just one.

Random Thought?

Play games for you. Often times it’s easy to get caught up in your k/d ratio, or that honor grind. But it will always boil over and you will become frustrated sooner or later. One thing to remember when playing online games, there is ALWAYS someone better than you. Don’t sweat it, just move and win the next game.