Plants Vs. Zombies

[01.08.16] ‘Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2’ beta dates revealed

Electronic Arts

Electronic Arts

“Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare,” the tower-defense turned third-person shooter that came out of 2014, was a non-stop surprise. The original announcement was unusual and unexpected, the critical reception was pleasantly positive, and the success in sales were shocking. The only thing that did not leave anyone feeling bewildered was the obligatory sequel announced during E3 last year. The only question left unanswered was “when can I get my hands on it?” Fortunately, EA answered that question with a press release on their website from January 7 which revealed the upcoming beta.

As it turns out, the answer is “not long!” PopCap Vancouver, the subsidiary of EA behind the “Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare” franchise, announced the upcoming beta will be open to the public. It will only be available on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 and participation will grant you an all-access pass to everything that has been in the works.

The highlight is the all-new Backyard Battleground mode which features a dynamic environment connecting every map and game mode. This includes the new game mode “Flag of Power” which combines king of the hill with horde mode. After your team successfully captures a designated area long enough to raise a flag, you will have to defend it against wave after wave of escalating enemies.

To help you out, six new character classes are debuting. Rose, Citron, and Kernel Corn join the plants while Imp, Super Brainz, and Captain Deadbeard fight alongside the zombies. There is also going to be a special appearance by the Grass Effect Z7-Mech for a limited time.

All of the classic game modes will return along with some other variants, all of which feature 24-person multiplayer battles. Garden and Graveyards will be there alongside the new Herbal Assault, which features the plants in a role-reversal on the offensive side. These game modes will span out across four new immersive and dynamic maps, including Moon Base Z – which features unique low-gravity physics – and a snowy map titled Frosty Creek.

So when can you play and how? It’s easy! Starting January 14, simply find the “Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2” beta on the Xbox Live Marketplace or PlayStation Network Store. After you download it, just log in and play as much as you can until the final day, January 18. For more information, check out the “Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 Multiplayer” beta page.

[06.21.11] Review: 'Peggle'

PopCap Games, Inc.

PopCap Games, Inc.

Peggle for Android


5 Stars

If you’re a fan of The Price is Right, then you know everybody’s favorite game is Plinko! Sadly, though, most of us will never be on The Price is Right, let alone actually have the opportunity to play. Now you could certainly pick up the Plinko! game from the Android Marketplace, but it’s really not that true to the original, not that well put together, and then there’s the fact that winning ‘money’ just isn’t that fun when there isn’t actually any real money on the line. This just leads to incredibly repetitive and boring gameplay. So just how can you get a Plinko! like experience and still have fun? Well, mix it up a little; maybe cross-breed it with the pachinko machines that are growing popular in Japan and the oversaturated, yet classic hit Break Out. That’s precisely what PopCap Games, Inc. did, and it gave us today’s free app:  Peggle. It’s goofy, simple, and insanely addictive!


The Good:

PopCap Games, Inc. did wonders on yet another game. It’s crafted well, looks great, and runs smoothly. The gameplay is simple so anyone can play, and it’s explained as you progress through the adventure mode. If you want to jump straight in, you can also take on quickplay and go for a high score. If you really want to prove you’re good, there are also 75 ‘Grand Master’ challenges to take on, but these really are for the best of the best. There are bonus multipliers, power-ups, and lots of points to be earned coupled with some fun sound effects to round out to such an excellently put together package.

The Bad:

There’s not a whole lot of strategy involved… but sometimes that’s what you need in a game. Also, the basic concept of the game is as repetitive as can be, however, every level design is different, and all the modifiers the game presents keep everything seemingly fresh and exciting.

The Ugly:

Time’s running out, as this is only available free for a few more hours!!! This is a WiFi only download, though, so if you’re not near a WiFi network now, make sure you “buy” it now while it’s free so you can download it later.

Bottom Line:

Absolute must have for your game collection. Peggle has already been a long-standing hit on PC, but now you can take it with you. It’s available exclusively through the Android Marketplace, for the time being, so make sure you get on there and pick it up. If you’re not lucky enough to get it free, but this sounds like fun to you, I strongly urge you to give it a try. $2.99 may sound like a high asking price, considering most games release for around $0.99, but it’s well worth it. Also be sure to check out their other great hits, Plants Vs. Zombies and Chuzzle.

Peggle was created by PopCap Games, Inc. and is Amazon’s free app of the day for 6/21/11. It typically sells for $2.99


[05.31.11] Review: 'Plants Vs. Zombies'

Plants Vs. ZombiesPopCap Games, Inc.

Plants Vs. Zombies

PopCap Games, Inc.

Plants vs. Zombies


5 Stars

It’s here, it’s finally here! Plants Vs. Zombies for Android has arrived, and it’s a thing of beauty. From start to finish, it’s one amazing presentation that all ages can enjoy. Available on almost every platform, this game has taken the world by storm, even winning “Game of the Year” accolades from a multitude of review sites. Today, it’s time to jump into the wacky world of Plants Vs. Zombies.

The Good:

When you load up the game, you’re presented with a gorgeous title screen offering both Adventure and Quick Play. The quality doesn’t stop there, though. As soon as you jump in, you’ll realize the in-game graphics are just as gorgeous. The gameplay is incredibly simple, and the Adventure Mode walks you through everything step by step instead of throwing it all in your face. Throw in scenery changes and a few integrated mini-games and you’ve got the perfect combination that never gets boring or drags along painfully. There’s also a ton to do, with the lengthy Adventure Mode, achievements to unlock, and upgrades to purchase.

The Bad:

Despite being the most recent release platform for Plants Vs. Zombies, it’s missing a few features that some of its predecessors do, such as the ability to play mini-games independent of the Adventure Mode. You also can’t jump into Quick Play until you’ve beat the entire Adventure Mode, which is understandable since it teaches you how to play, but can also be annoying for seasoned veterans who just want to jump in and play for 15 minutes.

The Ugly:

It was hard to find something really bad about Plants Vs. Zombies, but a little research showed that quite a few users were frustrated because their device isn’t supported. With being such a hit on the iPad, it’s surprising that not every Android tablet is supported. Not only that, but many phones, including the original Droid, aren’t supported either. Luckily though, Amazon will warn you in advance if your device isn’t supported, so 1-star reviewers whining that their device wasn’t supported is a tad bit ridiculous.

Bottom Line:

Get it now while it’s free, there’s no way you’ll regret it. If you can’t get it free and have never played before, it’s worth the asking price. From hardcore gamers to those just dipping their toes in the ocean of video games, Plants Vs. Zombies is something you need to experience. If you ignore this game, it’s safe to say your life just isn’t complete.

Plants Vs. Zombies was created by Pop Cap Games, Inc. and is Amazon’s free app of the day for 5/31/11. It typically sells for $2.99