Amazon Free App of the Day

[06.30.11] Review: 'Doodle Fit'

Gamelion Studios

Gamelion Studios

Doodle Fit for Android


4 Stars

With the overwhelming success of Doodle Jump, many other games are hopping on the doodle wagon in an attempt to boost sales. Today’s free app, Doodle Fit is no different. A simple an unoriginal puzzle game challenging you to fit Tetris-like pieces perfectly into a specified area has been reskinned in either chalk or ink – your choice – in attempts to add some charm to the game. Featuring 100 levels of increasing difficulty, stat tracking, and the ability to simultaneously have up five separate profiles solving puzzles at their own pace on one device; Doodle Fit is a nice little package at a cheap price waiting to waste away the hours with you.

The Good:

Graphics are sharp and right on tune with what you would expect from a ‘doodle game. You can choose to stick to ink scribbled down on a notepad or flip to chalk scrawled across a chalkboard if that’s more your taste. Theirs nice music in the background to eliminate awkward silence, but it really adds nothing special to the game and could be potentially frustrating if you’re the type who prefers peace and quiet while trying to concentrate.

One of the most unique things about Doodle Fit is, surprisingly the controls. You wouldn’t really think there was a way to revolutionize ‘click and drag’ controls on a touchscreen device; however, this game throws a wrench into the system. Instead of the piece you’re manipulating sitting directly below your finger, everything is done roughly an inch above where you’re dragging your finger. This seems a bit strange at first; however, there are a few incredibly easy levels at the start of the game to help you familiarize yourself with the new setup. Once you get comfortable with it, you’ll realize it’s actually a massive convenience because now you can actually see where you’re placing pieces since your hand isn’t covering the playing field.

The Bad:

The number of themes is quite limited for a ‘doodle game’. Given, each one is developed by a separate company, however in most ‘doodle games’ you’ll find numerous themes to choose between just to spice things up. It also could have added a little more incentive to complete puzzles in Doodle Fit by having additional themes be rewards for completing a set number of puzzles. Instead, your only reward for knocking out a chunk of puzzles is… more puzzles.

The Ugly:

This kind of game can be found in many forms across the Amazon and Android markets, so paying for one seems kind of silly. Considering the only thing you can change about this type of game is the aesthetics, there really is no reason to pay extra for one version unless you desperately want the ‘doodle’ theme.

Bottom Line:

Doodle Fit is certainly an entertaining game, but it’s nothing groundbreaking. Considering there are plenty of free alternatives, it’s really only worth picking up today while it’s free or if you’re trying to keep a universal ‘doodle’ theme across your phone. If you’re really set on Doodle Fit and miss the deadline, consider picking up its ad supported version instead.

Doodle Fit was created by Gamelion Studios and is Amazon’s free app of the day for 6/30/11. It typically sells for $0.99


[06.21.11] Review: 'Peggle'

PopCap Games, Inc.

PopCap Games, Inc.

Peggle for Android


5 Stars

If you’re a fan of The Price is Right, then you know everybody’s favorite game is Plinko! Sadly, though, most of us will never be on The Price is Right, let alone actually have the opportunity to play. Now you could certainly pick up the Plinko! game from the Android Marketplace, but it’s really not that true to the original, not that well put together, and then there’s the fact that winning ‘money’ just isn’t that fun when there isn’t actually any real money on the line. This just leads to incredibly repetitive and boring gameplay. So just how can you get a Plinko! like experience and still have fun? Well, mix it up a little; maybe cross-breed it with the pachinko machines that are growing popular in Japan and the oversaturated, yet classic hit Break Out. That’s precisely what PopCap Games, Inc. did, and it gave us today’s free app:  Peggle. It’s goofy, simple, and insanely addictive!


The Good:

PopCap Games, Inc. did wonders on yet another game. It’s crafted well, looks great, and runs smoothly. The gameplay is simple so anyone can play, and it’s explained as you progress through the adventure mode. If you want to jump straight in, you can also take on quickplay and go for a high score. If you really want to prove you’re good, there are also 75 ‘Grand Master’ challenges to take on, but these really are for the best of the best. There are bonus multipliers, power-ups, and lots of points to be earned coupled with some fun sound effects to round out to such an excellently put together package.

The Bad:

There’s not a whole lot of strategy involved… but sometimes that’s what you need in a game. Also, the basic concept of the game is as repetitive as can be, however, every level design is different, and all the modifiers the game presents keep everything seemingly fresh and exciting.

The Ugly:

Time’s running out, as this is only available free for a few more hours!!! This is a WiFi only download, though, so if you’re not near a WiFi network now, make sure you “buy” it now while it’s free so you can download it later.

Bottom Line:

Absolute must have for your game collection. Peggle has already been a long-standing hit on PC, but now you can take it with you. It’s available exclusively through the Android Marketplace, for the time being, so make sure you get on there and pick it up. If you’re not lucky enough to get it free, but this sounds like fun to you, I strongly urge you to give it a try. $2.99 may sound like a high asking price, considering most games release for around $0.99, but it’s well worth it. Also be sure to check out their other great hits, Plants Vs. Zombies and Chuzzle.

Peggle was created by PopCap Games, Inc. and is Amazon’s free app of the day for 6/21/11. It typically sells for $2.99


[06.19.11] Review: 'Jenga'

NaturalMotion Games Limited

NaturalMotion Games Limited

The Good:

NaturalMotion Games certainly knows how to replicate real physics, and you can definitely see it at work here. The tower tilts and slides as you tap and tug on blocks trying desperately to remove them without toppling the tower. Everything from the blocks to the environments look amazing, whether you’re working with the natural wood blocks in Classic Mode or the colorful blocks of Arcade Mode. This new game mode challenges you to play fast working against the clock, and to play smart by matching colors as quick as possible to get a bonus multiplier. The more points you score the more coins you get which you can use to purchase game-changing ‘boosts’, such as a time bonus or a rewind feature to save yourself if you accidentally tip that tower. This offers a unique and more exciting spin on the original game that will have you constantly trying to beat your friend’s high scores.

The Bad:

The physics are rock solid; however, the blocks themselves seem to be a little bit lighter than their real-life counterparts. It’s fun to see the tower twitch with every move you make, but it’s not that life-like and can be somewhat frustrating. Also, if you jump straight into Arcade Mode, you suffer a slight disadvantage as the ‘How to Play’ really only teaches the differences between Arcade and Classic, and completely ignores the fundamental controls necessary to effectively navigate the tower.

The Ugly:

Amazon’s App Store is usually pretty good about offering any warnings you may need to see if there’s a possibility of a problem. This time, however, they seemed to have dropped the ball. This download requires wifi, but you won’t get that warning until after you attempt to download it and get a nasty error message. After that, it’s a complicated process for getting your download to work again, so make sure you have it enabled ahead of time to save yourself some trouble. There’s also been quite a few other errors reported, but it seems to be specific to individual devices rather than particular models.

Bottom Line:

Who doesn’t love Jenga? It’s definitely worthy of a little space on your phone, so get out there and grab it while it’s free. After that, there’s probably something better to spend that $2.99 on, as Jenga doesn’t offer much in the way of diversity.

Jenga was created by NaturalMotion Games Limited and is Amazon’s free app of the day for 6/19/11. It typically sells for $2.99

[06.06.11] Review: 'Aporkalypse – Pigs of Doom'

Handy Games

Handy Games

Aporkalypse - Pigs of Doom for Android


5 Stars

Handy Games steps up to the plate for a third time with Aporkalypse – Pigs of Doom. They have built themselves a sterling reputation after their two previous releases, Guns‘n’Glory and Super Dynamite Fishing both received 5 star reviews. Looking at their previous work, one could only expect the best from this crew. Aporkalypse is a little different from their other work, though. Instead of being primarily action-based, Aporkalypse focuses on the puzzle genre, giving you plenty of time to relax and think about what moves you want to make. You have four friends to help you on your journey to save the world, as well as a guardian angel and devil to help you accomplish the feat of fulfilling the prophecy of the four pigs of doom.

The Good:

Just looking at this game, you know it has to be good. The graphics are rich and colors are vibrant. Nothing is confusing about the layout, the interface, or the game world. The game runs very smoothly, but has a few game-tweaking options in case you have a less powerful phone. The premise is simple: solve the puzzles (to save the world) and gathers some coins along the way. The game has a built-in tutorial to teach you how to play the game, and even if you get lost and confused along the way, there’s a very extensive help section. Aporkalypse is incredibly goofy, without feeling foolish, and the puzzles are relatively easy, yet still satisfying.

The Bad:

The music gets a little bit annoying sometimes, but you’re typically focusing on the puzzle and not it, so it just floats off into the background. There’s also a different sound when you complete a level and at the main menu.

Bottom Line:

Look above closely. That’s right, “The Ugly” is missing. That should pretty much sum it up for you. Go now, and download this game before it’s too late. No, I’m not talking about before it’s no longer free, I’m talking about before the Aporkalypse happens! This game is worth the $0.99, if you weren’t lucky enough to get it free, so get out there and save the world!

Aporkalypse – Pigs of Doom was created by Handy Games and is Amazon’s free app of the day for6/6/11. It typically sells for $0.99


[06.01.11] Review: 'Pac-Man'

Namco Bandai Games, Inc.

Namco Bandai Games, Inc.

Pac-Man for Android


4 Stars

It’s time to feel the nostalgia and start devouring some power pellets! No, no, put your quarters back in the piggy-bank and step away from the dusty arcade cabinet, because Pac-Man has made its way to Android! Available free today is the best incarnation of Pac-Man available on the Android platform. Just in case you’re somehow unfamiliar with Pac-Man, you’re a little yellow guy stuck inside a maze on a mission to collect as many dots, fruit, and power pellets you can. Along the way you’ll run into a few enemies – Pinky, Inky, Blinky, and Clyde – but with the help of the aforementioned power pellet, you can take them down. Your ultimate goal? To get the high score of course!

The Good:

This is a spot on port of the original arcade classic. Graphics, sound, gameplay, all of it is just the way you remember it. There’s even a little virtual joy-stick to play with dubbed the “Pac-Pad”. The Pac-Pad is actually another highlight of the game too. It’s a little weird at first, but once you realize what’s going on, you’ll realize it’s the best way to control the game. If you drag off in one direction, you’ll notice the joystick gradually starts pulling back to the middle; however, underneath your finger there’s a little shadow of the game pad, and that’s the important one. All of your moves from that point on react in regards to the little ‘ghost pad’, not the actual Pac-Pad in the middle of the screen. The virtual joystick is incredibly responsive, appealing to the eye, and unobtrusive!

The Bad:

There’s an alternative version of controlling the game that reacts to you flicking your finger across the screen, but this just doesn’t seem responsive enough in tight situations where you’re changing direction quickly. If it weren’t for that, this would probably actually be the preferred method of play. True Pac-Fan’s will also notice that the 2-player alternating mode is missing from the game. This is someone disappointing; however, it does actually save your expensive piece of technology from being frequently passed back in forth where it’s likely to get dropped. It does list the high-score at the top of the screen, so you can each play full games and just try and beat that. Unfortunately, though, there’s also no full high-score board, just the top score posted above the game board. This just seems like another feature that’s missing out. There’s also no option to turn down sound from the options menu, however you can always just use your volume buttons or go into your phone settings and lower your media volume.

The Ugly:

Like the lack of volume controls, there’s also no brightness control. This may seem like an odd request, however Pac-Man hijacks your brightness settings and automatically sets the brightness to 100% Sure, this is nice in the sunlight, but if you’re low on battery, it limits your playing time, and if it’s late at night, it feels like it’s going to burn your eyes out after a few minutes of game play. The most ridiculous thing about Pac-Man, though, is its asking price. $5? Namco Bandai wants a full $5 of your hard-earned cash for a port that’s not even full featured? Come on, $0.99 for the hundreds of ad-free levels of angry birds, or $5 to walk through the same maze, running from the same ghosts, and collecting the same dots over and over and over again? This just doesn’t seem like great marketing.

Bottom Line:

One thing that’s great about Pac-Man for Android is that it’s most definitely Pac-Man to the core. Everything holds true to the original game you wasted so much allowance on when you were a kid. If you can pick this up for free, there’s absolutely no reason you shouldn’t. Seriously, who doesn’t love Pac-Man? However, if you’re not so lucky, this is probably left best to the true Pac-Man enthusiasts who are desperate to get a taste of Pac-Man everywhere they go. If the price ever comes down, it might be worth picking up, but otherwise go spend your money elsewhere, but not even the price can take that much away from the overall excellent experience that you’ll be getting with Pac-Man.

Pac-Man was created by Namco Bandai Games, Inc. and is Amazon’s free app of the day for 6/1/11. It typically sells for (price)


[05.31.11] Review: 'Plants Vs. Zombies'

Plants Vs. ZombiesPopCap Games, Inc.

Plants Vs. Zombies

PopCap Games, Inc.

Plants vs. Zombies


5 Stars

It’s here, it’s finally here! Plants Vs. Zombies for Android has arrived, and it’s a thing of beauty. From start to finish, it’s one amazing presentation that all ages can enjoy. Available on almost every platform, this game has taken the world by storm, even winning “Game of the Year” accolades from a multitude of review sites. Today, it’s time to jump into the wacky world of Plants Vs. Zombies.

The Good:

When you load up the game, you’re presented with a gorgeous title screen offering both Adventure and Quick Play. The quality doesn’t stop there, though. As soon as you jump in, you’ll realize the in-game graphics are just as gorgeous. The gameplay is incredibly simple, and the Adventure Mode walks you through everything step by step instead of throwing it all in your face. Throw in scenery changes and a few integrated mini-games and you’ve got the perfect combination that never gets boring or drags along painfully. There’s also a ton to do, with the lengthy Adventure Mode, achievements to unlock, and upgrades to purchase.

The Bad:

Despite being the most recent release platform for Plants Vs. Zombies, it’s missing a few features that some of its predecessors do, such as the ability to play mini-games independent of the Adventure Mode. You also can’t jump into Quick Play until you’ve beat the entire Adventure Mode, which is understandable since it teaches you how to play, but can also be annoying for seasoned veterans who just want to jump in and play for 15 minutes.

The Ugly:

It was hard to find something really bad about Plants Vs. Zombies, but a little research showed that quite a few users were frustrated because their device isn’t supported. With being such a hit on the iPad, it’s surprising that not every Android tablet is supported. Not only that, but many phones, including the original Droid, aren’t supported either. Luckily though, Amazon will warn you in advance if your device isn’t supported, so 1-star reviewers whining that their device wasn’t supported is a tad bit ridiculous.

Bottom Line:

Get it now while it’s free, there’s no way you’ll regret it. If you can’t get it free and have never played before, it’s worth the asking price. From hardcore gamers to those just dipping their toes in the ocean of video games, Plants Vs. Zombies is something you need to experience. If you ignore this game, it’s safe to say your life just isn’t complete.

Plants Vs. Zombies was created by Pop Cap Games, Inc. and is Amazon’s free app of the day for 5/31/11. It typically sells for $2.99


[05.18.11] Review: 'The Impossible Game'

FlukeDude LTD

FlukeDude LTD

The Impossible Game for Android


3 Stars

Impossible? No. Perhaps “The Incredibly Frustrating Game” is a more appropriate title. The Impossible Game has now made the jump to Android and is available free, for a limited time. Some might consider this to be the “minimalist’s game”. The simple art style combined with the most basic gameplay certainly supports that assertion. In The Impossible Game, you’re a square with one function: jumping. All you have to avoid is the triangles and the thicker black floor. Sounds simple enough, right? Well, not exactly. This game relies heavily on accurate timing and an abundance of patients while you fight through this marathon of an obstacle course with no checkpoints; unless you’re in practice mode, that is.

The Good:

The game couldn’t be more pick-up-and-play friendly. Even without the “how to play” page, most anyone could learn how to play just by simple trial and error. Touch the screen once, even by accident, and you’d learn how to jump. After hitting a triangle a few times, you could probably figure out those were something to avoid. From there, it’s just patients and more trial and error. The art design, although simple, doesn’t come off as bland; more than likely since you spend most of your time focusing intently on your actions. There’s also a “practice mode” which allows you to place checkpoints at will throughout the level, however to truly complete the game, each level needs to be done in one run through, completely unassisted by checkpoints.

The Bad:

The developer suggests you listen to the soundtrack to get the “full experience”. The only place it will probably get you is more frustrated. This game really should come with a disclaimer, since those with little patients could be enticed into throwing their phone in a fit of anger.

The Ugly:

This game suffers from two major problems detrimental to gameplay. The Impossible Game offers three levels of graphics to choose between; however, the difference is almost unnoticeable. Even when set to the lowest graphics setting, users will more than likely experience an occasional fit of lag while attempting to play. Gamers know these never come in the straight away ‘rest periods’, but instead attack right before that critical jump. In a game that demands the utmost precision, something like that is unacceptable. Another thing that will get you steaming is phone calls and text messages, assuming you have a pop-up notification. This automatically pauses the game no matter where you are which means you’re pretty much doomed when you try to resume. A simple solution to this would be to utilize a ‘rewind’ feature, similar to what’s seen in more recent titles from the Guitar Hero series. If you’re forced to pause in the middle of a song, the track rewinds approximately 10 seconds, and then automatically plays it back for you so you have some time to get your bearings. Without that, you’re sent all the way back to the start, even more frustrated since it wasn’t a mistake that was your fault.

Bottom Line:

If you’re the type who finds pleasure instead of frustration when faced with a challenge, you should pick this up while it’s free. If not, it’s really ultimately up to you whether or not it’s worth your money, but if you have an Xbox 360, you might want to consider picking it up their instead so you’re not forced to deal with random lag or switch to airplane mode so calls don’t interrupt your ‘perfect run’. More than likely, though, you’ll agree there are better things to spend your $0.99 on. For example, something like an ad-free version of the ever popular Angry Birds which will let you take out your frustration by recklessly destroying things instead of demanding absolute perfection every single time.

The Impossible Game was created by FlukeDude LTD and is Amazon’s free app of the day for 5/18/11. It typically sells for $0.99

[05.15.11] Review: 'Guns‘n’Glory'

Handy Games

Handy Games

Guns'n'Glory for Android


5 Stars

Handy Games comes in with another free game this month, Guns’n’Glory. It’s a tower defense game with twist and a western theme that’s sure to delight anyone. Build your own band of outlaws and make some money with this modern Oregon Trail for your phone. If you’re easily offended, you might want to stray away from this game; otherwise grab your guns, dynamite, some power ups, and a cannon or gatling gun and go ambush some settlers.

The Good:

The game is well refined and offers a fun spin on the traditional tower defense game. Instead of having stationary towers, you have the option of walking your bandits around the canyon, so if those settlers walk out of reach, you’re not out of luck. You do have the option to upgrade your fighters through promotions, but there are also temporary power-ups scattered throughout the field in later levels. The graphics aren’t award-winning, but they get the job done and fit appropriately with the all-around western theme of the game.

The Bad:

To walk your bandits around, you have to tap on them, then click and drag. Occasionally they won’t seem to respond on the first try, and every so often you’ll accidentally click another bandit if you have one close by. This usually isn’t too big of a problem as nothing moves so fast in the game that you don’t have time to adjust properly for your mistakes. Some might also consider the game a little too easy. The number of settlers aloud to pass on each level is rather generous, regardless of the level of difficulty chosen.

The Ugly:

This might only be an ‘ugly’ for those who are easily offended. Guns’n’Glory has Mexicans and Indians attacking white settlers. If you can get past that, there’s really nothing else troublesome about this game.

Bottom Line:

For tower defense fans, Guns'n'Glory is an absolute must have in the collection. Anyone just getting into the genre should start here as it’s the easiest way to branch into the games. Pick this up for sure while it’s free, otherwise most can probably settle for the free version. It’s full featured, but has a few ads along the bottom of the screen. Either way you go, it’s guaranteed hours of fun.

Guns’n’Glory was created by Handy Games and is Amazon’s free app of the day for 05/15/11. It typically sells for $0.99

[05.08.11] Review: 'Colorful Tetris (HD)'

Colorful Tetris (HD) for Android


2 Stars

Everybody loves Tetris; and you wouldn’t think it was possible to really mess it up. Unfortunately for Colorful Tetris (HD), it pulls off that outstanding feat. The game presents itself in a pleasant way, promising a high definition user interface compatible with tablets and sporting relaxing classical music to play too, however everything else just seems to fall short.

The Good:

The graphics are gorgeous and the soundtrack compliments it nicely, but that alone isn’t going to get you anywhere. Colorful Tetris (HD) also has a convenient dedicated pause button on the side next to the help, sound toggle, and back button.

The Bad:

The developer disgraces the Tetris name. Throwing authenticity out the window, Colorful Tetris (HD)has its own random color scheme where any block can be any color instead of giving each tetromino a unique color to keep it easily identifiable. The playing field is also 15 blocks wide, 5 more than the original game’s ten block spread. Although the soundtrack is nice, it isn't the original or a reimagination of the original.

The Ugly:

The controls are utterly horrible, and make the game virtually unplayable. Each control has an invisible button that shows up for about 5 seconds at the start of the game, or any time you press the help button. This wouldn’t be all that bad if the buttons lined up with features on the UI, however the most important part, the left and right arrows, do not. Throughout the course of the game, you’ll find yourself frequently missing the buttons, and in a game where speed and accuracy is crucial, something as little as that can break the game completely.

Bottom Line:

Colorful Tetris (HD) is a free download, so don’t be afraid to check it out for yourself, however if you’re a serious Tetris gamer, I suggest you look elsewhere to get your Tetris fix. Once you get into later rounds with tetrominoes blazing across the screen, you’ll find yourself way too frustrated to keep playing.

Colorful Tetris (HD) was created by jfmsoft for the Android operating system. It’s a free download in the Android Marketplace.

[05.06.11] Review: '4 Player Reactor'

Cool Cherry Trees

Cool Cherry Trees

4 Player Reactor for Android


5 Stars

Not many Android games can boast simultaneous 4-person multiplayer on one device. Today’s free app, 4 Player Reactor, can though; and it does a fantastic job with it. You’ll find tons of trivia games for your Droid, ranging from ice cream to Justin Bieber. 4 Player Reactor decides to test your general knowledge and reaction times with questions ranging from basic math problems to capital cities. It’s a simple enough set up, featuring up to 4 buzzers surrounding a screen which displays one of 22 different puzzle modes at a time. You can jump straight in and take every puzzle head on with ‘Quick Game’ or pick out your favorites and set a higher goal with ‘Custom Game’. Either way you go, in a matter of seconds, you’ll be on your way to find out who has the fastest fingers in your group.

The Good:

Four people? That’s ridiculous for a single Android Device! Not only that, but it’s something everyone can enjoy at the exact same time! This is perfect for that downtime between ordering your food and waiting for it to arrive at a restaurant. It’s something anyone can enjoy because it’s easy to jump straight in without much explanation. There are plenty of different puzzle types to choose from and an abundant supply of ‘trivia questions’ to go with it. Not every puzzle mode is straight trivia though. 4 Player Reactor mixes it up a bit with shape matching and mazes. There’s also a ‘handicap’ built into the game's buzzers. If one player gets too far ahead, their buzzer will shrink, and then start moving around so it’s harder for them to hit.

The Bad:

The interface is bland, but it certainly gets the job done. Occasionally, when your buzzer starts to move, it seems like there is a mild hit-detection issue; but perhaps that can be attributed to the ‘handicap’.

The Ugly:

The only weakness of 4 Player Reactor is that it offers up too many wrong answers during the puzzles. Sometimes you’ll be sitting there, staring at the screen, and it feels like a wrong answer never is going to come up again! This is just a minor gripe though.

Bottom Line:

This is a ‘must-have’ that should sit right next to Angry Birds on your phone. You can spring it out at any time when you have a few bored people or, perhaps, if you need an ice-breaker. Even playing through the one player ‘practice’ mode can be entertaining at times. Whether you get it free or have to pay the surprisingly low $1.99 asking price, it’s money you won’t regret spending. If you absolutely can’t bear to pay for an app though, there’s also a free 2 Player Reactor available on the Android Marketplace, however it has less puzzles as well as the two-person limitation.

4 Player Reactor was created by Cool Cherry Trees and is Amazon’s free app of the day for 05/06/11. It typically sells for $1.99

[05.02.11] Review: 'Super Dynamite Fishing

Handy Games

Handy Games

Super Dynamite Fishing for Android


5 Stars

Dynamite fishing, the often joked about alternative to fishing poles, is brought to life in today’s free game Super Dynamite Fishing. Although it may seem crazy, dynamite fishing is a real practice, so with that in mind the game does open with a disclaimer, although a mildly satirical one at that. This game is meant to be all in good humor, which is obvious in the over-the-top way Super Dynamite Fishing presents itself. Armed with the task of winning the heart of Rosemary, you set out in your bathtub loaded with a gun and sticks of dynamite. Kill the fish, sell them, and then go kill some more fish. At any point, you can go spend your hard earned cash on weapon upgrades, gifts to win over Rosemary’s heart, or even upgrade your vessel to something a little more seaworthy. As you progress, you’ll unlock new areas and items.

The Good:

It’s a simple game design that never gets old. Do a task, and you’re rewarded so you can buy more things. In this particular game, it’s applied to a very humorous situation and embraces wackiness. Instead of keeping things ‘realistic’, you have the chance to buy RPG’s, a naval ship, or adopt a baby for Rosemary. The sound effects are goofy, and the music makes you feel like you’re really a redneck out on the lake with explosives. Everything has a backstory and manages to draw you into the fight for Rosemary’s heart. It really makes you want to keep playing so you can read every goofy weapon description and see what the next ridiculous item is you’re going to be gifting to the girl of your dreams.

The Bad:

The ‘daily goal’ can get a little bit annoying since it takes money away. It feels like it really just hinders your progress than provides you with something to work for. There is also a “quick fishin’” button which conveniently automates the task of purchasing everything, however there’s no confirmation screen which can be frustrating if you hit it on accident. Also, if you run out of weapons in the middle of a fishing trip, there’s a “click to return” button that allows you to conveniently skip straight to the end of your trip, however this has a timer, so if you don’t click it, it will automatically launch anyway. If you’ve just thrown out a fridge or battery, this can be quite frustrating too as it doesn’t wait for those weapons to finish.

The Ugly:

The app has memory management issues, as can be seen in the Amazon reviews, so there are some force close issues, and it occasionally will cause the phone to freeze. That’s really only complaint about this though.

Bottom Line:

Super Dynamite Fishing is an unexcitingly well thought out and designed game, with lots to do. There is also a full featured, ad-supported version of the game for those of you who didn’t manage to get it while it’s free, or don’t think it’s worth dropping the $0.99 on. If you’ve got spare space on your phone and want a switch from the few games that keep getting plagiarized on the market, this may be just what you’re looking for.

Super Dynamite Fishing was created by Handy Games and is Amazon’s free app of the day for 05/02/11). It typically sells for $0.99