
[10.08.12] Ohio State Marching Band pays tribute to video games

If you were in attendance for the Ohio State vs. Nebraska football game on Saturday, you were in for quite a treat. The Ohio State Marching Band, otherwise known as TBDBITL or ‘The Best Damn Band in the Land’, earned their title when they put on a half time show that was an amazing spectacle, to say the least. With a theme of simply ‘video games’, they paid tribute to some of the most influential and groundbreaking titles over the last few decades. You don’t necessarily have to be a fan of video games to enjoy it either. The video has gone viral on Facebook with a range of users. The formations they create are incredible and impressive on their own right, and some of the images are universal symbols that most anyone could recognize, such as Mario, the mascot of Nintendo.

The show kicks off with a portion of the band marching in representing the space ship from “Space Invaders”, firing off shots into the aliens above. As the aliens explode, the mass suddenly transforms into two Pokéballs, and then the face of Pikachu, arguably the most famous Pokémon of all. Next, the band transforms into their first moving formation, Tetris pieces falling into place as the “Tetris” theme plays on. The “Mario” theme begins to play and sounds of coins and power-ups blast through the stadium speakers. This continues on for just over 9 minutes, touching on other hits, including “Halo” and “Zelda”, before finally reprising with the Mario theme, and finishing it off with the arcade hit “Pac-Man.”

If you weren’t one of the lucky ones to see it live, you can check out a fan’s video on YouTube, who was kind enough to capture the entire thing for your viewing pleasure.

Anthony Ortale writes news and reviews on behalf of He does so much gaming in his spare time, it’s practically a full time job! If you like what you read here, please subscribe to his articles! You can also follow Tony on Twitter, or become a fan on Facebook! If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to email Tony any time at, he’d love to hear from you

[06.01.11] Review: 'Pac-Man'

Namco Bandai Games, Inc.

Namco Bandai Games, Inc.

Pac-Man for Android


4 Stars

It’s time to feel the nostalgia and start devouring some power pellets! No, no, put your quarters back in the piggy-bank and step away from the dusty arcade cabinet, because Pac-Man has made its way to Android! Available free today is the best incarnation of Pac-Man available on the Android platform. Just in case you’re somehow unfamiliar with Pac-Man, you’re a little yellow guy stuck inside a maze on a mission to collect as many dots, fruit, and power pellets you can. Along the way you’ll run into a few enemies – Pinky, Inky, Blinky, and Clyde – but with the help of the aforementioned power pellet, you can take them down. Your ultimate goal? To get the high score of course!

The Good:

This is a spot on port of the original arcade classic. Graphics, sound, gameplay, all of it is just the way you remember it. There’s even a little virtual joy-stick to play with dubbed the “Pac-Pad”. The Pac-Pad is actually another highlight of the game too. It’s a little weird at first, but once you realize what’s going on, you’ll realize it’s the best way to control the game. If you drag off in one direction, you’ll notice the joystick gradually starts pulling back to the middle; however, underneath your finger there’s a little shadow of the game pad, and that’s the important one. All of your moves from that point on react in regards to the little ‘ghost pad’, not the actual Pac-Pad in the middle of the screen. The virtual joystick is incredibly responsive, appealing to the eye, and unobtrusive!

The Bad:

There’s an alternative version of controlling the game that reacts to you flicking your finger across the screen, but this just doesn’t seem responsive enough in tight situations where you’re changing direction quickly. If it weren’t for that, this would probably actually be the preferred method of play. True Pac-Fan’s will also notice that the 2-player alternating mode is missing from the game. This is someone disappointing; however, it does actually save your expensive piece of technology from being frequently passed back in forth where it’s likely to get dropped. It does list the high-score at the top of the screen, so you can each play full games and just try and beat that. Unfortunately, though, there’s also no full high-score board, just the top score posted above the game board. This just seems like another feature that’s missing out. There’s also no option to turn down sound from the options menu, however you can always just use your volume buttons or go into your phone settings and lower your media volume.

The Ugly:

Like the lack of volume controls, there’s also no brightness control. This may seem like an odd request, however Pac-Man hijacks your brightness settings and automatically sets the brightness to 100% Sure, this is nice in the sunlight, but if you’re low on battery, it limits your playing time, and if it’s late at night, it feels like it’s going to burn your eyes out after a few minutes of game play. The most ridiculous thing about Pac-Man, though, is its asking price. $5? Namco Bandai wants a full $5 of your hard-earned cash for a port that’s not even full featured? Come on, $0.99 for the hundreds of ad-free levels of angry birds, or $5 to walk through the same maze, running from the same ghosts, and collecting the same dots over and over and over again? This just doesn’t seem like great marketing.

Bottom Line:

One thing that’s great about Pac-Man for Android is that it’s most definitely Pac-Man to the core. Everything holds true to the original game you wasted so much allowance on when you were a kid. If you can pick this up for free, there’s absolutely no reason you shouldn’t. Seriously, who doesn’t love Pac-Man? However, if you’re not so lucky, this is probably left best to the true Pac-Man enthusiasts who are desperate to get a taste of Pac-Man everywhere they go. If the price ever comes down, it might be worth picking up, but otherwise go spend your money elsewhere, but not even the price can take that much away from the overall excellent experience that you’ll be getting with Pac-Man.

Pac-Man was created by Namco Bandai Games, Inc. and is Amazon’s free app of the day for 6/1/11. It typically sells for (price)