Assassin's Creed Syndicate

[06.15.15] Everything you need to know from the 2015 PlayStation Experience [E3 2015]



It has been quite the week leading up to E3 2015 with a steady stream of incredible reveals, leaving you wondering, “What exactly will there be to announce at E3?” From the “Fallout 4” reveal, the return of rhythm gaming, and YouTube taking on Twitch; the gaming industry is charging full speed into its biggest week of the year. Fortunately, the fun hasn’t stopped. Microsoft started off the console wars with a bang, and we’ve seen some great output from BethesdaEA, and Ubisoft, but it’s time for Sony to come back swinging. Here is everything you needed to know about the 2015 PlayStation Experience, live from E3 2015 on Monday, June 15.

Like many of the other conferences, Sony launches with a montage video showcasing a wide variety of games from the console. Shawn Layden, President & CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment, takes the stage with the obligatory welcome and thank you message. He instantly gets down to business, proclaiming that PlayStation will be “the best place to play.” He promises “a reality where games are the cultural zeitgeist.”

The very first game is a highly anticipated PlayStation exclusive, and the crowd goes crazy instantly knowing what’s coming. From Sony Japan Studio, directed by Fumito Ueda, “The Last Guardian” finally makes an appearance and years, and it looks as beautiful and epic as one would expect. The character, a young boy, directs his cat/bird/dragon-like animal to hop across to a broken bridge. He then works his way to the edge, and takes a leap of faith, being rescued by his pet. The boy then proceeds to work through a puzzle, which begins to tear about the platform he is on. Once again, he takes a leap of faith – only this time, the pet misses. Fortunately, the boy lands on his tail, and his pet takes off climbing a nearby building with him on his back. After safely making it to the top, they relax and the trailer comes to an end. “The Last Guardian” coming 2016.

Shuhei Yoshida is on the stage, ecstatic that he can finally reveal this title. He then introduces Fumito Ueda, who stands up in the audience to cheers and cat calls. Yoshida then introduces Hermen Hulst of Guerilla Games.

Hulst unveils a brand new IP with a trailer of in-engine footage. It looks to be another post-apocalyptic game, where the survivors have reverted to a more tribal-like state. The cities have been overrun by nature and are now considered to be monuments of the previous civilizations. A female protagonist talks about her tribe’s history, as she is shown hunting or battling some robotic animal-like creatures. A much larger enemy appears and a boss-battle ensues. The protagonist relies on a high-tech bow to fight, while her enemy uses lasers and explosives. She lands a killing blow by shooting an explosive arrow into the “heart” of the enemy, then stabbing it after it falls to the ground. “Horizon Zero Dawn” is the name of the new game, but no release window is mentioned.

Square Enix’s logo flashes and Agent 47 is mentioned. This could only mean one thing: a new “Hitman” game. The trailer appears to be full CGI and is rather sporadic. It frequently cuts between Agent 47 training by running through snowy woods and various scenes throughout town. Regardless, it gives of a pretty exciting vibe, even though it doesn’t really reveal much about the game.

Asad Qizilbash takes the stage to discuss the new “Hitman,” which will be “the most ambitious ‘Hitman’ ever created.” The player can travel to a multitude of environments and will take on a wide variety of tasks. It will also feature a PlayStation-exclusive Beta (via preorder) as well as six console-exclusive missions. He then immediately moves on to a console exclusive title, “Street Fighter V.”

The trailer is pretty standard fair for the “Street Fighter” series, and the first public beta will start July 23, exclusive to PlayStation 4 gamers. The final launch will be on PlayStation 4 and PC.

Qizilbash passes off to Sean Murray of Hello Games to show off “No Man’s Sky,” which was previewed at E3 last year. “This year,” Murray says, “I guess I just wanted to show off gameplay.” The demo proceeds with him in a spaceship battling in space. Battles will span the entire universe, literally across multiple solar systems. Each star he shows on a map actually represents a sun, each sun has a solar system with planets. He begins to zoom out to show off the size of the universe and it is impossibly massive. “Many of the planets in ‘No Man’s Sky’ have never been visited, and many of them never will be.” That’s how unbelievably large the game is.

Murray spawns into a new solar system, one that has likely not been visited yet, and continues to show off gameplay. He lands on a planet, tracking down a beacon to upload a discovery. He deems the world, “Planet E3” and proceeds to mention say that every planet in every solar system is fully destructible. A sentinel then shows up to protect the planet he was destroying. He dives under water, where there are fish swimming around, and continues his search for the beacon. No release date is announced, but he promises it will be soon.

Qizilbash transitions to a new game by Media Molecule. With a brief teaser, Alex Evans takes the stage to present his studio’s new game. Much like “Little Big Planet,” “Dreams” looks to build upon a game inspired by creativity. Evans shows off a demo where things are sketched or molded using the controller. The demo creates an entire person, sitting in a chair, and then adds a piano and an entire environment around him. He proceeds to move the guy around like a puppet, also using just the movement of the controller. Evans closes out by saying that more will be revealed at Paris Game Week and leaves us with a trailer demonstrating the capabilities of “Dream.” It’s basically an animation studio on the PlayStation 4. You really can make anything your mind comes up with.

Qizilbash returns to the stage again to introduce “Firewatch” on PlayStation 4. “Firewatch” is about a new park ranger who has to survive using only a radio to communicate with others. It’s way more interesting than it sounds, and this brief teaser doesn’t do it justice. It’s a story-driven experience, definitely worth looking more into.

Adam Boyes takes the stage to discuss the future of “Destiny.” He introduces a teaser for the next expansion, “The Taken King.” It reveals the plot, but no other details beyond a release date of Sept 15. Boyes then reveals there will be more exclusive content coming to PlayStation 4 with the launch of “The Taken King.”

Moving along quickly, Boyes introduces “Assassin’s Creed Syndicate.” The trailer focuses on Evie Frye and is narrated by her brother, Jacob. It shows off her skills and weapons of choice. Boyes also announces “The Dreadful Crimes,” an exclusive set of missions available on PlayStation 4.

He wastes no time jumping to “Final Fantasy,” revealing the next PlayStation exclusive in the series. “World of Final Fantasy” is very unique take, exclusive to PS4 and Vita coming 2016. It has a very… different take on the world of final fantasy and takes on a unique art style.

Keeping on the trend with Square Enix, Boyes teases another favorite franchise from the company that is finally making its return. “Final Fantasy Remake” will be a completely updated “Final Fantasy 7” launching exclusively on the PlayStation 4.

He then jumps to Devolver Studios to quickly cover 4 games coming exclusively. Ronin, Eitr, Mother Russia Bleeds, and Crossing Souls are all indie games featuring a retro style.

Boyes is all over the place, now talking about the success of Kickstarter projects of the past. He teases an announcement of a recent project which he “wanted to be revealed on their stage.” Available to be backed now, “Shenmue 3.” Boyes introduces Yu Suzuki, the creator of “Shenmue,” to countdown the launch of the Kickstarter page.

After Suzuki leaves the stage, Boyes recaps all of the announcements. He then prepares for another big reveal as a trailer rolls. A collection of industrial images is shown off, eventually leading to a grizzly image of The Joker being cremated. The Batman logo, engulfed in flames, flashes on the screen. “This is the death of the Batman.” A vintage-style Gotham is shown as the camera transitions to the first-person view of a police officer, “Officer Owens,” entering a diner. The officer is informed of a man who is smoking by another restaurant patron, but things start to go crazy as thanks to smoke that is actually fear venom. The diner is suddenly full of demons and the officer unloads his clip until finally being overwhelmed. “Batman Arkham Night” will have 3 exclusive Scarecrow on PlayStation 4.

Hilmar Veigar takes the stage to discuss Project Morpheus. A montage of various Morpheus games is shown off, reformatted to be shown off. Veigar discusses the future of Morpheus, promising it will be the premier location for VR. He introduces some new IPs and talks about the life cycle of the system. He also discusses the introduction of Spotify and its quick adoption. “PlayStation Vue,” the cable-like service, is launching tonight in san Francisco and Los Angeles. Later this year, it will offer an a la cart system nationwide, as the only service of its kind. PlayStation Plus members will also receive a discount on their subscription prices. He then announces a partnership with Activision to bring content first to PlayStation 4.

Mark Lamia of Treyarch takes the stage to make the official worldwide debut of “Call of Duty: Black Ops III.” A four player demo is shown off in Cairo. The game features more of the futuristic weapons and equipment that have become a signature of the series. The weapon load-out selection screen appears to actually be a loading screen. The mission is underway and things start out rough. A fellow soldier has been impaled and the main character tries to rescue him. The cockpit then begins to fall off to the ground, and it’s revealed that the pilot didn’t make it. An all-out battle ensues on the ground, showcasing the cooperative elements while they battle a large robotic enemy and multiple other soldiers. The demo switches rapidly between multiple different players’ viewpoints to showcase a variety of weapons, abilities, and enemies. Finally, the enemy is taken down and a brief campaign teaser plays, showcasing the Michael Bay-esk action.

David Vonderhaar, of Treyark, now introduces another trailer for the game, describing it as fast paced and “visceral” – a popular buzz word this year. The game starts to look very much like “Titanfall,” with lots of wall running taking place. It’s still infused with plenty of “Call of Duty,” though. This trailer is a non-stop montage of multiplayer highlights with added hype from an upbeat soundtrack.

An unnecessarily huge montage of PlayStation Vita games, some PlayStation exclusive and some not, is shown off to add hype.

Shawn Layden returns to introduce “Star Wars” with John Vignocchi from Disney Interactive. “Star Wars” is coming to “Disney Infinity 3.0” this fall. A limited edition PS3 starter pack will feature new “Star Wars” figures and content one month earlier than other platforms. Plenty of fan-favorites show up in a trailer for “Rise Against the Empire” and it’s revealed that Boba Fett can only be played on PlayStation 4 before the holidays.

Layden moves to “Star Wars Battlefront,” releasing on Nov 17. Patrick Bach of DICE takes over to reveal more information about “Star Wars Battlefront.” He references many popular characters, such as Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. Admiral Ackbar is also there, barking orders. A brief gameplay trailer is shown off, echoing content revealed earlier in the day during EA’s conference.

Layden teases one more final announcement, meaning it’s problem time for “Uncharted.” After a brief thank you to those in attendance, an unintroduced trailer begins, with “Only On PlayStation.” It’s immediately apparent, from the first image, that it’s “Uncharted 4,” confirmed by the Naughty Dog Logo. Nathan Drake and Sully bust through a door into… an active, overcrowded city? A gameplay demo then looks like it should be beginning, but never actually happens.

The demo reboots, as Nathan and Sully reenter the city again. After pointing out Sam’s tower for a second time, the gameplay demo successfully begins and Nathan works his way through the crowd just behind Sully. Suddenly, gunfire erupts and the citizens scatter. Immediately, Nathan and Sully engage the enemies and work their way through the town. Nathan enters a brief hand-to-hand combat section, then takes cover from a vehicle and blind fires to kill a few enemies. He works his way around and continues to engage in a storm of bullets. He bust through a war and engages in more melee combat, punching an enemy through an environment. A brief parkour session happens and they drive away in a jeep.

The game is as action-packed as ever and looks beautiful, as is expected. Nathan and Sully tear up the town like it’s a game of “Crazy Taxi” as they try to avoid the enemy vehicles. After cutting through a market, they continue to weave through town and then decide to do some serious off-roading. Finally, they’ve shaken the enemy and Sully declares, “we can never, ever come back to this city.” They’re cut short by a construction site and have to drive around, going off-road again. Thinking they’ve escaped, their hopes are crushed as the enemy vehicle shows up again. Now they off-road onto the rooftops of the village and through some gardens, a pipe, and a small pond. Up the side of a mountain, through a marsh, across a creek. Nathan throws a hook onto a train and the trailer cuts as he’s about to smash into a wall. With that, the “PlayStation Experience” is over.

[06.15.15] Everything you need to know from the 2015 Ubisoft Press Conference [E3 2015]



It has been quite the week leading up to E3 2015 with a steady stream of incredible reveals, leaving you wondering, “What exactly will there be to announce at E3?” From the “Fallout 4” reveal, the return of rhythm gaming, and YouTube taking on Twitch; the gaming industry is charging full speed into its biggest week of the year. Fortunately, the fun hasn’t stopped. Bethesda kicked off E3 as the first developer conference, and it was spectacular. Microsoft followed up with an unbelievable conference of their own. Returning to the developers, Electronic Arts had some exciting announcements of their own. With Ubisoft in line next, will the third time be the charm for them? Here is everything you needed to know about the 2015 Ubisoft Press Conference, live from E3 2015 on Monday, June 15.

The conference kicks off with a trailer for a new “South Park” RPG, following up on “The Stick of Truth.” Cartman and everyone is back with their respective outfits, only this time, Butters is the villain as “Professor Chaos.” It looks to be packed full of all the goofiness of the previous title. “South Park: The Fractured But Whole” –read that out loud. Aisha Tyler comes out to introduce Matt Stone and Trevor Parker. Despite claiming, they were not going to make another game after the previous, they decided the last one helped them learn that they could do another, so they decided, “F*** it, let’s do it.” Stone promises to get deeper into the backstory. No release date is announced, though, and Stone and Parker leave the stage.

Tyler thanks everyone for attending and welcomes everyone to the Ubisoft event. Much like EA, Tyler emphasizes Ubisoft’s desire for fan feedback. She then makes way for Yves Guillemot, CEO of Ubisoft.

Guillemot expresses his love for the creators and players of games. He claims that Ubisoft has always taken risks, and insists that they will continue – starting with a new IP in a new genre, out of Ubisoft Montreal. It leads with lots of medieval characters with era-appropriate weapons, destroying each other. The camera moves all around the battlefield, focusing on all kinds of different combat, ranging from one-on-one melee to some larger scale encounters. It’s brutal, gritty, but not excessively gory. “For Honor” displays an impressive, but entirely CGI trailer for its debut.

Jason Vandenberghe, Creative Director for “For Honor,” takes the stage. He describes a first-person experience in battle, describing it as “visceral.” It’s a 4v4 melee-focused battle game. They transition to a gameplay demo, which showcases four player-controlled knights surrounded by a plethora of AI-controlled characters, charging into battle. We see a 2v2 battle take place, and shows off a little more brutality here. It feels like a more focused, team-oriented “Ryse: Son of Rome.” The AI battle in the background while the players have a defensive-heavy battle by themselves. Vandenberghe announces the demo will be available to play tomorrow morning at E3. You can register at to get more information and be among the first to play.

Tyler returns to the stage, to talk about more fan-feedback inspired projects. She talks about an upcoming expansion to “The Crew” which shows off dirt bikes, monster trucks, rally cars, and drag racers. “The Crew: Wild Run” is coming Nov 17.

A new trailer starts showing horses and bullets, beautifully rendered. It then reveals a cat riding on the back of a unicorn, teasing “Trials Fusion: Awesome Level Max.” It’s a DLC coming out July 14 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. “You’re a cat riding a fire-breathing unicorn,” what more convincing do you need?

Tyler proceeds to discuss “Tom Clancy’s: The Division,” one of the most highly anticipated Ubisoft games to date. Ryan Barnard, Game Director for “Tom Clancy’s: The Division,” takes the stage to introduce “The Dark Zone.” He emphasizes the team-oriented experience, and shows off a gameplay demo. It looks to be Time Square on New Year’s Day, virtually abandoned outside of the operatives wandering the streets. The players hop a fence and slowly investigate the new area. The road is littered with corpses and abandoned Army Vehicles as a voice in the background mentions something about a “Quarantine being in effect.”

They come across some enemies and begin to plan out their attack before being ambushed from behind. A gun battle ensues, and they fight their way towards a crate, in which they find an LMG. The operatives also show off some fancy gadget along the way. The “players” continue an unnatural conversation, discussing plans to avoid some tough enemies and call for an extraction. They then have to hold off for 90 seconds, and a helicopter arrives. The original players decide to take out those who joined them, but then one agent assassinates everyone and runs off with the loot. “Huge dick move,” Tyler says as the demo comes to a close.

“Tom Clancy’s: The Division” is available at E3 now, and the beta will launch on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC early next year – coming to Xbox One first. The game will release March 8, 2016 on all platforms simultaneously.

A new game trailer for the “critically acclaimed city builder” begins. It shows off a beautifully rendered, modern cityscape. A futuristic vehicle flies in, and then the trailer cuts to a moon-like environment. As the vehicle crests over a hill, a tremendous moon base is reviled. The camera pans out to reveal the massive scope of the environment, then cuts to a close up of a spaceship launching back to Earth. “Anno 2205” coming Nov 3, continues on with a gameplay demo. It looks very much like a futuristic “Sim City,” only with space travel and slightly more majestic environments. Lots of cliffs, oceans, and islands are shown off, before again teasing the space-travel and moon base. The game looks extremely pretty.

Tyler is now in the crowd, talking to Jacob Frye,” from “Assassin’s Creed Syndicate.” After an awkward exchange, she then talks to Jason Altman, Executive Producer of “Just Dance 2016.” Altman announces that the “biggest music game franchise of all time” no longer requires a camera to play the game. A cellphone app will allow players to connect to their console and use it as a controller, presumably like a Wii Remote. Jason Derülo then comes out performing his latest hit single, “Want to Want Me,” indicating that it will likely be in the latest installment. Tyler discusses Derülo’s success and Derülo talks about being a fan of the franchise. Tyler confirms the single will be in the game when it releases this October on Wii, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii U, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. Along with the launcher, users on the latest generation get the unique “Just Dance Unlimited,” a streaming services that will feature over 150 tracks. No pricing details were revealed, but it is subscription based.

A new CGI trailer starts up, with a woman talking about attacks all over the world. It’s probably a “Rainbow Six Siege” teaser. It shows the “unknown” enemy crafting some sort of biological weapon, before the woman declares the reactivation of her force created from the world’s elite operatives, confirming that it is, in fact, for “Rainbow Six Siege.” Tyler starts to introduce the game, emphasizing the fully-destructible environments packed with close-quarters combat. She introduces Angela Bassett, who plays “Six,” the head of the counter-terrorism unit. Bassett discusses the experience of playing a video-game character. Bassett leaves the stage, and Tyler hints at more details on the single-player experience.

Genevieve Forget, Community Developer for “Rainbow Six Siege,” takes over to discuss more about the single player and co-op experiences. Terrorist Hunt is back as Terror Hunt, with the most advanced AI in any “Rainbow Six” game to date. A live gameplay demo takes place, where they’re trying to disarm some explosives. They start out by surveying the area together, then deciding to scale the building and head to the room top. Some of the characters are utilizing shields while others are picking of enemies with their silenced pistols. They send out a recon drone that drives around to scout out the location of the explosives and terrorist locations.

The team busts through a wall with a sledgehammer to create a new flanking route. An explosion downs a teammate and they revive him. They move into a hallway, using a riot shield for cover, and unload on a group of enemies. They begin to divide and conquer to finish clearing. They start to defuse, but have to hold off enemies coming from everywhere, including behind the players. After another intense battle, the bomb is disarmed and the demo ends.

Forget announces that was just one of four Terror Hunt modes that will be in the game, including Terror Hunt Classic (which will likely be purely enemy elimination). It's available now for E3 and the Beta starts on Sept 24, available on all platforms, with both PVP and Terror Hunt.

Tyler returns, emphasizing that was the first time she’s actually seen the team win and that it’s real gameplay. She then discusses Classic Arcades, and moves on to “Trackmania Turbo.” A preview for the game shows off a very colorful environment. A helicopter drops off a racecar which lands on the racetrack and takes off in stride. It hints at four-player split screen and the trailer ends with a bang. Francois Alaux and Tommmy Francois take the stage to discuss the game and play through a demo. Alaux races through a level against ghosts, switching freely between first and third-person views. He easily gets a gold medal on his first try. There are 5 difficulty levels, over 200 tracks, and a track builder mode which randomly generates tracks on the fly with the press of a button. He immediately plays the new track, this time not doing quite as well. The demo also shows off a new environment, “Rollercoaster Lagoon.” They also announce there will be a VR demo at E3.

Tyler comes back to announce “Assassin’s Creed Syndicate.” It starts off with a CGI trailer, cutting between shots of a bird flying above London and shots of alleyways and streets around the city. “Devils Acre 1866.” We see Jacob Frye – in game this time – spying on someone from atop a building, with some friends. He pulls on his hood, jumps down onto a carriage, and hijacks it. He chases down another carriage and abandons his previous one. He then bails off a bridge, rescues himself, and hops onto a train to continue his pursuit. More shots, this time indoors, are shown in some sort of steel factory. He sets a man on fire, chains him up, and walks out as his crew comes in to take on the other thugs.

Cut to a tavern, and Frye walks in to talk to enemies. They refuse to join his cause, so he begins beating them up in a very un-fair bar fight. He uses his hidden blade to slice-and-dice, then spares one as he walks out with his crew. A crow flies off and the trailer ends.

Marc-Alexis Côté, Creative Director on “Assassin’s Creed Sydicate” takes the stage to talk about the game. He confirms the London location during the Industrial Revolution. He also confirms the ability to play as both Evie and Jacob Frye.

Guillemot returns to the stage for one final announcement, talking about a revolutionizing a franchise. A group, which has been working in secrecy, has been developing the game. A trailer begins with a skull and a voiceover talking about fighting an enemy that doesn’t fear death. Blood drips down the table and a helicopter is heard. It cuts to a guy parachuting over a huge valley and mountain. A few more join him as they head down the mountain. One pulls out a sniper rifle and they begin to scope out the area, suddenly taking out a target. They start a chase down a dirt road, mentioning that they’re chasing after a truck of cocaine.

Now the mission completely changes to something more stealthy, but close-quarters. A drone is shown flying around, then the voiceover returns briefly in the same environment. He smashes a bottle over a guy’s head, and it cuts to a third mission. This is outside in the daylight, and quickly cuts between, what appears to be, multiple approaches for the same mission. A cinematic begins with a man who’s pinned to a table by knives, being tortured by some guy covered in tattoos. It features a massive open world with a large variety of environments, and players traversing all of them as while as fighting battles throughout. “Tom Clancy’s: Ghost Recon - Wildlands” is revealed, no release date, and that caps off the show.