[04.30.11] Live stream of PlayStation Network conference available!

Many people have been searching around for a stream of the news conference about to happen in Japan. From what could be dug up, it didn't look good for people in the US, however it turns out there is going to be a steam! In this conference, Kaz Hirai, who is believed to be the next in line to take over the company, will be discussing everything Sony currently knows about the PlayStation Network breach that has been going on for over a week and a half. Lots of rumors have been swirling around about this horrible event an Sony has been slow and vague when it comes to releasing information on the situation. In just a short while, however, Hirai will be briefing the media on Sony's investigation into the breach and it's information management system. Hirai is also supposed to lay out a timeline for getting the PSN back online, however Sony has previously said it hopes to get the system back online within a week. That, plus whether or not you need to cancel those credit cards should all be revealed tonight.